Chapter 11

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Jules really left me. I couldn't believe it. I half expected her to be waiting at the hotel when we returned. Instead, a small white envelope with the hotel's name engraved in gold in the left corner and my name in the center waited for me. Inside held the key to the apartment back in California and a note from Jules that said to donate her stuff to Goodwill and to have a nice life.

I was floored.


How could she up and leave? We always fought. Granted, we both crossed some lines, but in the end, Jules knew we were family. We've always... I sat down on the red velvet couch in the lobby. Damn, this hurt. We'd been friends a long time. I couldn't imagine her not being in my life. 'Come with me'. She'd almost begged. That look in her eye, I knew it well, but I couldn't go with her. I couldn't go back. I wasn't ready. Not yet. Taking a deep breath, I folded up the envelope, stuffing it into my jacket pocket. Lisa sat down beside me and patted my shoulder.

"Give her some space, then call in a day or two. She'll come round."

"You think?"

"Yeah, maybe. Hard telling not knowing. Give her--"

We heard a familiar high-pitched giggle. Lisa and I immediately stood. My hands clenched into fists as Derrick and his skanky slut, the reason for Jules leaving and our fight, sauntered past. I wanted to scream but kept quiet. There didn't seem to be anything to say. I knew...hell, we all knew this was the nature of the rock-n-roll beast. Even though Chris said he loved me, I could be gone tomorrow. I followed the wench-bag with my eyes and when she and Derrick stopped to suck face, I heard Lisa whisper in my ear.

"For Jules." A predatory gleam shone in her eyes as she glared at the bitch.

"Yes, for Jules."

We attacked the little red-headed bitch from behind. Who'd she think she was, sashaying into our circle and taking one of ours? Lisa grabbed her by the hair, pulling her away from Derrick. My hand connected with skin. After that I don't remember much. I kept hitting and hitting in blind rage. I heard her screaming and crying, pinned underneath me. But what she said, I had no clue, and I didn't care. I wanted her to hurt. I wanted her to feel pain. Why did she get to walk around and not be damaged in any way? Just walk in and take what you want. It didn't work that way. Bitch, you don't get to giggle!

Strong arms wrapped around me, pulling me up and off her. Ensconced in a bear hug, I tried hard to get away but the grasp stayed firm. "Let me go. Bitch needs to learn." I looked up to see Nick holding Lisa back. I yelled, "Get her, Lisa."

"Stop it, Jess. Just stop! Derrick, get her the hell outta of here now, before one of these girls kills her." I recognized the voice of my captor. James? Where was Chris?

Derrick took the bitch's hand in his and led her away. I couldn't unclench my fists. I wanted to hurt her something fierce. I hated the little tart. I wanted to wipe that smug look and bloodied lip sneer right off her face. She wasn't sorry one bit, evident by the grin she shot me over her shoulder as Derrick pulled her away.


"Now is that a nice thing to call someone?"

"Fuck off, James. I didn't hear your words dripping in honey to anybody when your guitar disappeared. So unless you're wearing a crucifix, white collar and a dark robe, bite me."

He crushed me even tighter to his chest, his arms solid and unmoving as I tried to escape. The fight had me wound tighter than a top, but when the soft warm air of James' breath tickled my ear, I started to unravel and a different kind of heat began to coil inside me.

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