Chapter 16

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The sun began peeking through the slit in the drapes telling me morning had arrived. I was thankful as I didn't get a lick of sleep. My mind wouldn't stop repeating the prior evening's events. I could still see the sparkles in my vision from the flashbulbs popping at us in the elevator.

James and I were like two deer caught in the headlight. Paul grabbed us both and shoved us to the limo waiting outside, reading us the riot act the whole way. And, we deserved it. How could we do that? We were horrible, wicked people. Paul said he wouldn't say a word to Chris, but with all the media that saw us, if Chris didn't find out it would be a miracle. We made it to the ceremony about half way through, only to be told Flux hadn't won any awards. Chris was being a sore loser and wanted to leave. He and I came back to the hotel and snuck in the back door, no media. He wasn't happy about the loss. I gave him what he wanted and a whole lot more.

When he finally passed out, I sat up thinking. About everything, but mostly what James said about leaving. I could do it but it would take some planning. I needed to talk with Lisa - she and Nick could help me. First things first though, I needed a shower. I stripped down, taking off the heart pendant that daddy gave me, leaving it on the counter. "I'm going to leave, Daddy. You'll be proud."

On my way to the shower, I happened to catch my naked reflection in the mirror, and was shocked. Numerous bruises and marks splayed across my skin. I inspected them all, then peered at my face and the dark circles and bags that had taken up residence. I looked older than dirt. How did I let this happen to me? I spied the scar on my forehead. Touching it I smiled and could hear James' voice saying, 'You're beautiful.'

Tears flowed as I hurriedly showered and dressed. I had to leave now. Chris would find out what happened in that elevator and when he did...I shuddered at what he'd do to me. Rubbing my arm in nervous trepidation, I tiptoed out to the main room. When Chris rolled over I froze, holding my breath. Sweat trickled down my back as I watched for his waking, but the beast slept on.

There wasn't much I needed to take, my journal and a couple of outfits to carry me until I got back to California. I knew this was taking the coward's way out, but I'd be a live one. I just hoped Lisa and Nick were up. I needed cash or a card. Something. I couldn't get an airplane ticket otherwise. Chris took my credit card and cash, saying I didn't need any of it, he'd support me.

Somebody had to be up this early. James? He'd loan me the money. I grabbed my rings off the bureau, picked up my bag, and made a bee-lie for the door.

"Where are you going?"

Fuck! I forced myself to breathe. My hands shook first then my body as I heard his voice. How did he know? When his hand touched my shoulder, my tears fell. I was never going to be able to leave. There was going to be a price. When would I ever learn?

"I asked you a question."

Swallowing the lump down in my throat, I stuttered, "I was just..."

His hand webbed itself within my hair, he tugged hard, pulling my head backwards so that I could see his face. The look in his eyes spelled danger. Oh Lord help me - the beast was up and out of his cage, it was hungry – and I was breakfast.

"You just what?" He let go of my hair and grabbed my forearm. His grip tight, almost cutting off the circulation. His eyes spied my suitcase, now lying on its side on the floor.

My hand became numb as Chris' fingers clenched my arm even harder, his nails digging in, making an imprint in my skin. He began pulling me down the hall towards the bed, I pulled back. If I went into that room...

"Please, Chris. I just want to leave." I pulled harder but his grip was a vice.

"And ruin the wedding of the year? I don't think so." He clutched me to him and my stomach piled up in knots. When would it end? "You belong to me."

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