Chapter 13

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Chris and I made love in the shower, then on the couch, and finally we collapsed on the bed. He took his time with me, making me feel him. He spoke words of love, caressing me tender and soft. It was like the first time all over again. But the pleasantries wore off when the drug did. Now he was jonesing, edgy, and pacing. He kept fidgeting with his hands. The band had left ages ago for the barbecue but no one was back yet. Chris needed some blow, but there wasn't any left, they'd snorted it all last night. He rifled through his suitcase and bags but found nothing, not even a pill. I watched him rake his hand through his hair several times.

"Traitors, the lot of 'em," he growled tossing the small black bag to the side.

"Who are?"

Chris waved his hands in the air and snapped. "Them!"

His eyes darted back and forth as he surveyed the area. They lit up as he spied something across the room. I watched him dig a bottle of JD out of the trash and drink what was left in it. His hands trembled as he held the bottle aloft.

"You okay?"

Chris shot me an angry stare and barked, "Does it look like I'm okay?"

Turning away, he chucked the empty bottle across the floor, then rummaged through the remainder of the barrel, his hands shaking as he rooted. He swiped the sweat forming on his brow with the back of his arm, then picked up the trash can and slammed it repeatedly against the wall. I jumped as bottles and trash flew everywhere.

"Where is my fuckin' stuff?" He slammed his fist on the side table. "Who bloody hell took it?"

Chris craned his head sideways and looked at me. The tightness around his eyes and that one vein pulsing in his temple told me I was screwed. I looked behind me even though I knew there was no one there and no means of escape.

"Did you take it? Did you hide it on me?" In three strides, he was on me, pinning me against the dark paneling.

"Why would I take it?" I watched his hands shake uncontrollably. He rubbed his nose and sniffed.

"I saved an eight ball last night. I know I didn't use it all." He cupped my chin and shoved my face hard against the wall. His fetid breath was hot on my neck. "Tell me again, doll. Where were you last night? Whose bed were you warming?"

"I told you, I passed out in Lisa and Nick's bathroom."

His body was pressed tight against my back. I felt his hand slide over my shoulder, stroke the side of my neck, then grab a handful of my hair and slam me into the wall again. His voice was low and menacing. "I. Don't. Believe. You."

I tried not to tremble or flinch but my body betrayed me. His voice was subdued but his tone implied malice. "What did you do with my blow?"

"I didn't take it. I swear."

Chris dragged my head back with my hair. He sneered into my face. "What did you do with it?"

"Nothing. I didn't..." He shoved me against the wall with such force I saw sparkles before my eyes.

"I asked you a question."

His fingers jabbed my cheek, then pinched. I whimpered. Funny how his hands aren't shaking now.

"Does James have it?" Chris asked snidely, caressing my cheek and stroking my hair. I shook my head. "Answer me!"

"I don't know."

"Of course you would. The two of you are in it together. Ya think I dunno? You both think I'm a fool?"

"Huh? No. I'm not..."

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