Chapter 22

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I packed what few things I had, while Robyn tried to get me a flight back to Boston. She understood completely my need to leave. I didn't even get a chance to tell her about James and Nicole. The ride in the cab back to the hotel left me shaking physically and emotionally. Robyn hung up the phone.

"Nothing until morning. You're booked at six am, it's the first flight out. You going to be able to get up for that?"

I stared at her then blinked. "I don't think I'm going to get much sleep tonight."

"Don't worry about him. We'll talk to Greg when he gets back and let him know you need to leave. Between us, we can come up with something feasible to tell everyone why you left."

She gave me a warm smile, and I felt another round of tears coming on. I took a deep breath and blew it out. "I thought I was stronger than this. Why did I let him get that close?"

"You are strong. He got that close because he finagled his way in and you didn't want to create a scene."

"Did I create a scene?"

"No. You stomped on Chris' foot, it was no big deal. Greg will joke with all the press about it being an act of some sort. Don't you worry about it, he'll get his comeuppance when James gets his hands on him. Speaking of, where was he when all that went down?"

The tears fell, I couldn't hold them back. Chris' sharp words and tongue hurt but seeing James walk away crushed me. Fiancé. A baby. It was too much. If I didn't have bad luck I'd have no luck. Robyn handed me a box of tissues.

"He was off with his ex-fiancé, Nicole."


"Yeah. Chris called her up and invited her. Told her James was single and wanted her again. Which was untrue but now..." I grabbed a tissue and covered my face. I daubed at the flowing tears and took another string of deep breaths.

"She was pregnant with his baby. Chris decided to spill her secret, which of course made James go to her." I raked my hand through my hair. "I just, maybe it wasn't a smart move ditching Dick, huh?"

"No. That was a smart move. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. You have no idea what James is doing or thinking. Give the man the benefit of the doubt. Not all men are pieces of shit." She shuddered. "That sonofabitch Chris has ice water running through his veins. And when his switch is flipped, he has the coldest eyes. And I hate to say it, but girl, you flipped it."

"You saw it." Robyn nodded. I pushed the shoulder of my blouse aside. "He's an animal. Look at my shoulder." I heard her sharp intake of breath. "I couldn't move. It was as if I had gone back in time and was standing in a hotel room. I could hear and feel him all over again. When he did that, I shut down and pretended I wasn't there."

Robyn grabbed her camera, and before I could ask her why, she took some pictures of Chris' handiwork.

"Evidence against him." With a quick thrust of her chin, she said, "That bastard's never gonna touch you again."

"Yeah, well, I need to get away from here first. I wish you'd come back to Boston with me. I don't trust him."

"Don't you worry, he's not going to do anything to me. I'm with Greg and we're both onto him. Chris has a job. He's not about to mess that up. He tries anything with me, Greg will have his head on a platter."

"Promise me you'll leave if he tries even one thing. I just don't trust him. He's becoming unhinged. I smelled rum on his breath."

Robyn's eyes opened wide. "Serious? I thought he was sober."

I pursed my lips and raised a brow. "I never believed it. He can't leave it alone. You wait, the drugs will start next, or he's already doing them behind closed doors." I sat down on the couch, bring my knees up to my chest. "God, I need a big cup of coffee and a hot fudge ice cream sundae. Let's call room service."

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