Awkward Introductions

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"Awkward Introductions" Prompt Requested by @AirCadetFire

Jesse had to admit, it was nice at first. She had the whole tree-house to herself, and could do whatever she wanted. The constant arguing was gone, allowing Jesse to listen to the sounds of the forest she almost never heard. But after a few days, the empty house quickly got lonely.

"When will this week be over?" Jesse muttered, leaning her head against the cool glass of the bedroom window, as she stared out at the calm forest below her.

Olivia had left to visit her family the previous week, scheduled to return in two weeks. For the first week it was just Jesse, Axel and Reuben in the tree-house, which wasn't too bad. However, only a few days ago Axel wanted to go watch a TNT rally in a neighbouring town. Jesse honestly didn't like the idea, and had volunteered to stay home. At first it was great, but honestly she just couldn't wait for Friday, when Olivia would return. Axel wouldn't be home until Sunday.

Reuben snorted softly, nuzzling Jesse's arm with his snout. She smiled at him, allowing him to clamber onto her lap. Jesse then returned to staring out of the window, stroking Reuben's head the whole time. She wasn't just lonely, she was straight up bored.

The feeling appeared to be mutual. After only five minutes, Reuben grew restless on Jesse's lap, tugging at her hair to get her attention.

"Reuben, you've already had enough treats today." Jesse said with a sigh. "The carrots won't last four more days if you eat them all now."

Reuben whimpered, glancing up at Jesse with big eyes.

"And it's too late to go into town right now." Jesse continued. "We won't be back before dark. Maybe I'll go tomorrow."

Reuben let out a heavy sigh, laying his head back down on Jesse's knee. She continued to stroke his head, whilst looking out at the tree tops. It was a nice calming sight, and Jesse quite enjoyed looking at it.

Finally, after a silent 10 more minutes, Reuben started fidgeting again, pawing at Jesse's overalls with his tiny hooves, trying to get her attention. Jesse didn't want to scold him, in fact she didn't blame him. Both of them longed for some entertainment.

"Okay, let's go outside." Jesse said, picking Reuben up, and walking through the tree-house with him in her arms.

Reuben squealed eagerly as she opened the trap door, desperate to scrambled out of her grip as she slowly climbed down.

"Don't go far, OK?" Jesse said seriously, setting Reuben down on the grass. "It'll be dark soon."

She leaned against the tree, watching as Reuben excitedly started to chase a butterfly. Jesse longed for some company, other than Reuben's. She just wanted somebody around who could understand her, talk back even. But alas, Axel and Olivia were Jesse's only friends.

Jesse glanced up at the sky. The light was slowly starting to dim, thick clouds steadily forming. Could a storm be approaching?

"Come on, Reuben." Jesse called. "Let's go inside again, I'll start making dinner."

Reuben didn't seem to hear Jesse as he dug through some shrubs, snuffling through the leaves as he searched for something to eat.

Jesse pushed herself off the tree, starting to walk towards Reuben. She knew the rain probably won't hit for a while, but the rapid decrease of light made her uneasy. She didn't have a weapon if something started spawning.

Jesse bent down, reaching out her arms for Reuben. He playfully dodged, snorted excitedly.

"This isn't a game, Reubs." Jesse said with a groan. "Come on, I'll play with you inside."

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