Chapter Twelve

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"Amelia??!!!?" Briss exclaimed.

She stopped in front of Briss, panting. "I and...Neera," she told him.

"Where's Delst?! What happened exactly?!"

"Who is this?!" Callum demanded to know, stopping Amelia from explaining.

"This is my older sister, Amelia. I..honestly have no idea why she's here...she's supposed to be back home..." Briss told Callum.

"Delst is back at your home. I left him after he threatened to stop you two from joining the rebellion. He blamed Neera for the death of his mother, and was so angry. I tried talking some sense in to him, as did your Grandmother. We tried telling him that this was your choice, and he needed to accept that, but he wanted to hear nothing of that," She brushed a piece of her strawberry blonde hair begin her ear as she caught her breath again. "He was determined to stop and punish you Neera, it was as if he was no longer Delst. Like he was a different person. I have never seen him say anything like he did," Tears were forming in her eyes now. it was easy to tell that what had happened was hard on her. "This was not the man I fell in love with. He has changed, gone mad, and so, I left,"

Briss hugged his sister as she began to sob. Callum and I stood there awkwardly, not exactly sure what to do. I was not one for comforting, I was never a sympathetic person, and Callum didn't appear to be either. He glanced at me and gestured down the tunnel. I nodded and he led me down it.

"So who is this Delst?" Callum asked.

"My brother,"

He nodded his response. "And so Amelia is his girlfriend?"

"Well, fiancé, but I think that relationship is over if she's here instead of clinging to him like she did before," I said sarcastically.

He chuckled slightly at my comment. "Do you not like her?"

"Not exactly. She's not someone I could get along with,"

"I get the feeling you don't get along with most people,"

"Yes. That's true. I just cannot trust people. Or seem to have a conversation that interests both sides. That, and I'm especially hard to get along with,"

His black eyes scanned my green ones. "That is very true," he said, the corner of his mouth lifted up in a smirk.

I snorted and rolled my eyes. "Well, what about you?! I can't imagine you get along with people either,"

He smiled, then shifted his gaze ahead. "You're right. I have few friends. No, that's a lie, I have one best friend. I just don't feel the need to be friends with a bunch of people to keep me happy. I am content with the way my life is,"

I glanced at him, taking in his words. try held wisdom, which I admired. He was serious, proud, yet laid back at the same time. He rarely showed his emotions, and his black eyes swam with mystery and secrets. In that aspect, he was in a way like me.

"I understand. I am the same way,"

"I know," he said. "You are like me, in some ways."

"How do you know?!"

"From the moment when you got off the bridge. I knew you were the same as I, and that you would be a special addition to the rebellion,"

"Special..?" To me, I did not fit that description. There was nothing special about me.

"Did you know you are the first person to join the rebellion with a dragon as your animal? Every other animal has appeared once or twice before. Especially Briss's animal...the lion. Many people have come with that,"

"Hm. I thought that maybe someone else would have a dragon as well?"

"No. You seem to be the one and only,"

He stopped in front of a large desk, with an older looking lady behind it. Her brown hair was in a tight bun atop her head, and she had a serious expression on her face.

"Registering?" She asked me.

"Yes." I rolled my shoulders back and held my head high.

She opened a huge book on the desk as flipped to an empty page. "First name?"


"Last name?"

"Synthanex," I spelled it out for her when she raised an eyebrow.

"Thank you. Section?"

"North side,"



She scratched everything that I said down in the book with a black pen the held out her hand. "Give me your dominant hand,"

I put my left hand hesitantly in hers, and she yanked my hand over to an ink pad. She rolled each of my fingers, and pressed them into the book. When she release my hand, I pulled it back abruptly.

"Weapon of choice?" she asked as she picked up the pen once more.

I hesitated. The only weapon I has ever used was a sword, and that was practise with Briss. I decided upon an answer that would be unique.

"My mind,"

She glanced at me to see if I was serious, and wrote it down when she saw I was. "Thank you. Callum will lead you to your sleeping quarters,"

Callum stepped around the desk and went down the tunnel before turning right. I followed him in silence. he then stopped at a large door with large handles and roses hand carved into the door.

"Go down this hall to the very end. Your chambers will be on the left side. Rules are posted on the door, as well as your schedule. A map should be on the desk," He smiled and put a hand on my shoulder. "I'll see you tomorrow Dragon." then he turned and continued down the tunnel, leaving me alone.

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