The Entrance Exam

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—Kenny's POV—

Following my feet like it's natural I sit in the seat with my number on it for the exam, a bored expression that no one can see through my hood. A yawn escapes my mouth on the exact time it did the last five times. My friends have seats near or by me so I don't go flirting just yet so I can focus on the exam.

"HEY EVERYBODY!!!! CAN I GET A HEY!!!!" The blond hero with a voice amplifier quirk starts speaking to explain the rules. I hear the green haired boy behind me start his fanboying mumbling on queue. "Oh my gosh! It's President Mic! I listen to all his broadcasts every...."

'Three..... two..... one......' As soon as I reached one the spiky haired blond sitting next to him says his lines. "Shut up."

The green haired boy apologizes and stops mumbling so everyone can hear what the man has to say. Just like the last four times he says the rules of the exam to enter the great school UA.

Slowly I blank out what the blond hero says because I've gone through this so many times. Oh yeah. You must be kinda confused on what my quirk is aren't you?

My quirk is Death Repeat. In a nutshell. I'm immortal. Every time I die I'm sent to a "checkpoint" moments before I die. Depending on when the checkpoint is depends how long I have till I try to avoid death. What's good about this quirk is that I can change history if my checkpoint is far enough from my death. The negative is that..... IT FUCKING HURTS! AND ALSO NO ONE FRICKEN REMEMBERS I DIE SINCE I GO BACK IN TIME!!!! I SWEAR I'LL GO CRAZY SOMEDAY BECAUSE IF THIS DAMN QUIRK!!!!

"EXCUSE ME! I NOTICED THAT THEIR ARE FOUR ROBOTS ON THE PAPER! I WOULD BE REALY DISAPPOINTED IF SUCH A ELITE SCHOOL MADE SUCK A MISTAKE!!!" The robot boys loud voice snaps me out of my thoughts. I call him this since he moves his arms in a way that reminds me of a toy robot that you wind up with a key.

"AND YOU!" He points in my direction but I know he's pointing to the green haired boy from earlier. "CAN YOU STOP YOUR MUMBLING?!! ITS VERY DISTRACTING! IF YOUR HERE TO PLAY THEN ITS BEST THAT YOU LEAVE BEFORE WAISTING EVERYONE'S TIME!!!" The green haired boy nervously mumbles a apology and looks away from the Robot.

Normally I wouldn't get involved but Ive already heard this four times. Part of me was wondering what would happen if I split from the path that I followed the last four times. "Mh Mhmhm. Mhmmm Mhm hmm mhm h hm mhm hmm. Hmmh!"

Mr. Robot turns to me with a confused but angry look. "SPEAK CLEARLY IF YOUR GOING TO SAY SOMETHING!"

I roll my eyes and pull my hood down revealing my blond hair and my sapphire blue eyes. "I said 'Mr.Robot! Shaming someone is sure a way to be a hero! NOT!" As soon as I said the words I cover my face again with my hood.

Mr.Robot's face was priceless! "OK OK! THANK YOU EXAMINEE #77199 and #86290!!! BUT YES THAT IS ON PURPOSE. ITS WORTH ZERO POINTS! UNLIKE THE ONE, TWO, AND THREE POINTERS, ITS JUST A OBSTACLE. JUST AVOID THEM." After a little more explaining some miner things we are dismissed into our separate city disaster simulator areas.

As I enter my zone I look around and know all the areas to avoid so that I don't die. Reaching down into my boots i grab two hand pistols. Saying that I was given one from my older brother as a parting/congratulations gift before I left while the other I found in a trash can. Might have been part of a crime but who gave a shit. It's a free gun.

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