First Day: Part 2

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—Kenny's POV—

When I finish getting dressed I leave to locker room and stand in the PE grounds. Looking around I see that it's better then the one at my old school. 'Well that's what happens when you have money.'

As I wait I start looking around at the other students. When my eyes land on Stan and Wendy I instantly walk over to prevent any awkward tensions. "Hey guys!"

Stan looks over at me in relief and looks slightly green in the face, while Wendy looks at me annoyed. "Hi Kenny! What's your thoughts in the school so far?"

'Crap. I made a mistake.'

With a smile I turn to Wendy before responding, "It's fun so far! We definitely aren't in our old mountain town anymore! It's still kinda hard to believe how far we all came." Stan nods his head and smiles.

The conversation ends and I continue to look around when I see Tweek and Craig leaving the locker rooms. Craig was flipping people off while Tweek nervously twitched next to him. With a smile I wave my arm to them in hopes they notice.

Craig looks to me and flips me off before walking over with Tweek. "Hey guys."

Craig's voice is so monotone that it's sometimes hard to tell if he's serious. But honestly when you get to know the guy you start to be able tell how he's feeling through his eyes.

"H-hey." Tweek on the other hand is the complete opposite. He's very open with his anxiety and fears. He's also a coffee addict! But he can go crazy if it's the right moment. Also he twitches.

The five of us talk while everyone else goes in their groups. It's nice until the teacher starts his lesson.

"Ok class..... we're doing a Quirk apprehension test."

Everyone freezes and yell at the same time "A QUIRK APPREHENSION TEST?!!!!!"

"Yes. As this school is known for its 'freedom'. That 'freedom' is also applied to the the teachers." Everyone but a few students give him a confused look.

"Well this apprehension test is no different then a normal physical test, but you are able to use your quirk during the test." Knowing instantly I might do the worst at this test saying my quirk doesn't affect me physically or even have a affect on things around me.

"Bakugou." The ash blond haired boy looks up and grunts in acknowledgement while Aizawa-sensei gets out a small machine that looks to be a measuring thingy. (I don't know what to call it.)

"How far could you throw a softball in middle school?"

"72 meters." Fuck. He said that like it was nothing!!!

"Well. Your allow to throw it while using your quirk now." Aizawa-sensei tosses a softball to Bakugou who catches it. With a wide smirk he goes into the circle, that he throws from, and gets into a pitching stance. As he starts to throw the ball he screams the most unheroic thing ever.


Everyone had the same shocked expression. I turn to the teacher to see his response but, he didn't even flinch at this!!! All he does is raise his head up and the measurer up. "718.4 meters." (Don't remember specifics)


Everyone starts to chatter as they complement Bakugou and say how fun it looks. That is until our lovely teacher drops a bomb on us with a smile.

"Oh. And who ever is last will be expelled." His smile pisses me off. It makes me want to punch the crap out of him because I already know I'll more then likely be last. Also everyone else starts to freak out a little since they don't know what the other people's quirks are.


When everyone began their turns I realize that a girl has a creation quirk. Smiling I know now how to get past the soft ball throw. "Kenny, Stan, Tweek, Craig, and Wendy! It's your turn for the run!" Well this will be hard.

We all line up and prepare to run when we hear the gun go off. Fast Tweek screams and is already across the finish line. ".8 secound." Wendy, Stan and I are still racing to the end when Craig crosses second. Then Stan, Wendy and last me. "7.4 seconds."

'Crap. I'll have to do better if I'm going to stay here.'

•—Time Skip—•

Shit. Everyone is ahead. In literally only a few points above the Broccoli haired boy. Seeing that it's final my turn to do the soft ball throw I approach the circle with the bat I asked the girl to make. Apparently her name is Momo Yaoyorozu. Not only is she the top of the class so far but she's also really nice, but kind a know it all.

Normally I would have flirted with her, but I decided today would not be best to do as in passing. "Kenny!"

Looking up I see Aizawa-sensei looking at me as if I was the most annoying thing ever. "Do you even have a quirk?" If words killed I'd be in heaven already.

"Yes I do sensei." He gives me a suspicious look before looking at his clip board.

"You claimed your quirk is the ability to die and comeback to life at a point in time before your death. That sounds like a bunch of bull shit to me."

I swear. If this wasn't a normal reaction I would have snapped at him. So, I'm glad I brought my gun.

"Ok. As proof. I'm going to die right now, but before I do you tell me a phrase so I can tell you it when I come back." He narrows his eyes at me before letting out a huff.

"You can't did here. This is UA. You think I'll-"

Before he finishes his sentence I grab my gun and quickly shoot myself through the head. Dying. Hearing one thing. "OH MY GOD!!!!"

Oh Stan. How the fuck can you say that like it's a damn script?

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