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Apologize for this being my update but don't worry I'm working on the next actual chapter.

Tagged by: SeptiplierZanvis

1. What's your name?

I honestly am not going to put my actual name but I'll put my online personas name.
E 1784.
Yep that's ma name. (My friend don't you dare comment my actual name)

2. What's your hobby?

Writing and drawing. On the occasion I play video games also.

3. What's your favorite color?

Cyan, Turquoise, red, and orange.

4. Who are your Best Friend?

I will not answer this in respect of their privacy but most of them don't use Wattpad.

5. If you had the chance to meet an artist/actor or even singer who would it be?

I'd want to meet My Chemical Romance

6. What do you like doing in your free time?

Mainly draw while listening to music or other kinds of videos.

7. What re things you must always have on you when you go outside?

Phone, earbuds, and my wallet. Cause I don't know when I'll need to buy snacks.

8. Are you home schooled or public schooled?


9. What is the latest movie you have ever watched?

Night School. It was so worth watching.

10. How many selfies do you take in a day?


11. When is your birthday?

January 17

12. What color t-shirt are you using?


13. What is your favored television show on Netflix?

I don't watch a lot of netflix so I don't have one.

14. What annoys you?

My brother and having to save his butt from my mom.

15. Starbucks or Costa?

Neither. I don't drink coffee.

16. What do you like to do during the summer?

My hobbies.

17. Single or attached?

I'm in a queer platonic relationship with my best friend. Our feeling go past that of friends but are not of romantic nature.
If your confused then google it.
But I'm not in any romantic based relationships.
18. French Fries or Doughnuts?

I like Cake doughnuts! Especially strawberry frosted ones!

19. What is your favorite song?

Rich Kids by My Chemical Romance

20. Ariana Grande or Justin Bieber?

Ariana Grande over that little piece of shit any day. *is filled with hate for The Beaver*

21. What is you phone brand?


22. Nutella or Peanut Butter?

Peanut Butter. Nutella is to sweet for me.

23. Do you play your phone while charging?

Yes. I'm doing that right now actually.

24. What can you describe about yourself? Why?

An emotional rollercoaster that can get mad pretty easily over dumb stuff but has a vast amount of patience when it comes to people and animals.

25. What country are you living in?

United States.... god I hope our future doesn't end in ruin.

26. What is your favored drink?


27. What hair styles do you like?

I like my hair not super short but not crazy long ether. I like it at the level of my collar bone.

28. What is your favored food?

Korean Barbecue and Korean grilled fish.

29. Plain water or Orange Juice?

Plain water.

30.Vans or converse?


31. What is your favored fruit?


32. Do you have a crush?

Fictional crushes. I have a tone of fictional crushes.

33. What is your middle name?


34. What is your height?

About 5 ft 4 inches. Maybe a bit taller.

35. What is your eye color?


36. When is the last time you've cried?

I'd rather not answer this...

37. What is your biggest fear?

Being forgotten or being ignored to the point that I doubt if I'm real or not.

38. What is the last song you listened to?

Sit by me by Foster the People

39. What is your favored app?

Wattpad currently.

40. Tag 20 people.

I refuse. I won't rage people because I know how annoying these are. If you wish to do this then you may tag yourself after reading this.

Now to work on the chapter. Bye

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