Job Job Job

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—Kenny's POV—

I eat my bowl of cereal with a hazy look as everyone else got ready for school. No one payed me any mind as I took my sweet time, still in pajamas. Soon enough I was left behind. Why did no one pay me any attention?

•— Flashback day Before Dinner —•

"I'm gonna skip school tomorrow."

Stan let out a sigh and rubs the bridge of his nose while Kyle gives me the 'are you serious' look. Cartman kept on eating his food like the pig he was. Let's just say he wasn't as clean as a normal raccoon was.

Taking a bite of my tiny bowl of Mac and cheese I give everyone a serious look. "I'm going to earn myself some money so that I don't drain your parents. We all know that a day will come when we all will have to get a temp job to support ourselves till we become pro hero's, or in Kyle's case a support engineer."

Kyle shakes his head and gives me a hard look. "Dude. I understand what your intention is but you can't skip school for that. Go look on the weekends for a job. No one is going to hire you on a school day during obvious school hours. It will make you look bad. Plus we don't even know if UA allows their students to get jobs." He then finishes off his Mac and Cheese, and places it in the sink for who ever was on dish duty tonight.

"I already got permission from the principal to be able to work. He's surprisingly very understanding saying that I thought he would shoot my idea down for doing something non hero related. But instead he said it would be a good idea since it would help my people skills. Just because we become hero's doesn't mean we won't run into assholes." I take another bite and slide the permission letter to Kyle to show him i wasn't lying.

Kyle's emerald green eyes widen a little as he looks at it and then at me in surprise. "When did you find the time to get this done?"

"After the mock battles. When I came to Midoria was already gone so I decided to visit the principle for permission and he agreed, nothing more or less." Quickly finishing off my meal before it gets even colder I ignore the whines from fat ass on how lucky I was. "I hope I can get a job at that convenient store down the road from the ice cream parlor. Or maybe at the Wacdonalds over near the fried chicken place."

Stan takes my dishes and his and places them in the sink. "So does that mean I have to cover for you in class?" His voice sounded slightly annoyed and I didn't blame him.

Shaking my head I give him a cheeky smile. "Nah. Just tell him that it's only going to be a one time thing."

Letting out a sigh Stan nods his head before entering his room. Kyle soon follows, since they share a room, and Cartman continues to stuff his face with the occasional whine to me on how his class sucks and how his classmates were complete idiots. Also the occasional comment on how I'll always be poor.

•— Back to Current Time —•

With a yawn I start to prepare for my job hunt. Getting dressed into a orange t-shirt and some casual pants, I put on my brown winter boots. Slipping my phone u to my pocket I grab my keys and leave the apartment. Making sure it's locked I start my journey.

I applied at many possible work opportunities, but they ether didn't match my schedule or they didn't want to hire me so that I could focus on studies. By the time I was about to give up, it was already past the end of the school day. "Well shit. Why is this so hard?!"
I scratch my head as I continue walking down the city street.

"Hey? Isn't that McCormick from class?"

"What no way! Look he's blond like him but he isn't wearing the cough mask!"

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