Creek Time!!!

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—Kenny's POV—

When the dust cleared everyone around me gasped in shock at the sight. Midoryia has dodged the blow but a giant hole now was behind him, dropping to the concrete ground. "BAKUGOU!!!! IF YOU DO SUCH A STUNT AGAIN I'LL BE FORCED TO STOP THE MATCH AND GIVE VICTORY TO MIDORYIA'S TEAM!!!! SO DONT YOU DARE DO THAT AGAIN!!!!"

I click my tongue and send a glare at All Might. "That's a fucking light punishment for ALL MOST killing a student All Might..." I see the new teacher sweat slightly at my comment before I force my attention back to the battle.

Bakugou has started to again attack Midoryia with his explosion quirk being used and slowly getting stronger. Seeing Midoryia slowly getting pummeled makes me super angry. Something about the boy reminded me of my sister, for some odd reason, and seeing this just slowly pissed me off more and more. At some point I must have started to chew on my lip because a sudden pain fills me.

"Oh shit dude! You chewed up your lip pretty badly!" Turning my head to Stan who is lookin at me concerned I give him a reassuring grin before I wiped the blood away, soon enough for it to be replaced with another layer of it. "I'm fine dude. Just a little worried with how this is going..."

Stan nods his head and looks back at the screen. "You'd think that the blond has something against the green head with the way their fighting."

Turning my head back to the screen I force myself to watch every moment of the beating. Until a twist happens.

Midoryia activating his quirk swings upward just as Bakugou takes another swing at him, causing both their arms to fly up causing a giant explosion to happen above them. Turning my head to the camera screen watching Urakaha, I see her jump over the giant hole Midoryia made and grab onto the paper nuke.

"She captured the bomb! VICTORY GOES TO THE HERO TEAM!!!!"

Hearing everyone cheer around me all I do is stare at the screen. I watch as Bakugou's face turns from one full of aggression to one of pure shock. He didn't even see it coming. Midoryia, having broken his arm again by the sight of things, collapses on the ground from the exhaustion and pain.

While everyone else talked about how amazing the fight was, I just stared and annoyingly felt uneasy. This was to brutal to be just a scuffle during training. Looking at All Might I see the uneasiness and relief on his face. Turning on my head I start to march right over to him when he announces it's my teams turn to fight, and oh how surprising. We're against Craig and Tweek.

Hesitantly, I head to me and Stan's designates starting spot.

•— Time Skip —•

Stan and I wait by the nuke model after setting up some traps at the entrances to our room. We didn't speak a word.

We are the villain team and Craig with Tweek are the heroes. Whether we won or not didn't matter, we all knew that if we didn't give our all that we would get our ass handed to us. Neither of the teams wanted this.

Hearing the faint squeaking of a rodent I feel myself stiffen. "STRIPES ALERT STAN! BEWARE THE RODENT!" Instantly Stan takes out some bolts from his utility belt and throws them across the ground. Almost instantly a loud squeal of surprise is heard as a bolt sticks to the Guinea pig and forms a tiny barrier around it.

Cautiously walking to the barrier I pick it up with my gloved hands and look down at it. It now was more like a hamster ball with the rodent running around in circles. Realizing the mistake I made, a loud drill could be heard as a punch lands directly in my jaw. 'Fuck.'

Feeling myself crash through a wall I gasp for air to feel my jaw slacken in a awkward angle. Then came the pain. Feeling some tears trickle down my eye I stand back up and see Craig flipping Stan the bird. Tweek wasn't around.

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