Pass or Failed?

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—Kenny's POV—

I wake up in my new bed at the apartment me and my friends are staying in. Sitting up I feel a sharp pain in my gut. Looking down I see bandages wrapped around my stomach and a bottle of pain killers on my nightstand with a note.  Picking it up I read it.

Dear Kenny McCormick,

We the teachers of UA apologize for such a accident to happen. Recovery girl says to take two pills every two hours so the pain doesn't bother you. But please don't over dose by accident.
So to prevent that we had someone from our support branch make a special dispenser system for your bottle! Shake it every two hours and two pills will fall out! Nothing more and nothing less!
Now please get well soon!


Oh. Seems I didn't die this time.... WHOO HOO!!!!!  I do my little dance as I celebrate for a bit.

That's until the pain in my gut starts to stab me. "Shit shit shit....." I hunch over in a attempt to null the pain but that doesn't work so I climb back into my bed and take my pain killers. I shake the bottle once and only two pills come out.

Swallowing them dry I lay down and try to take a nap.

•—Time Skip—•

I wake up again and see it's only been a hour but the sounds of screams and cheers can be heard form down stairs. Standing up I head leave my barren room to see everyone with a hologram letter of All Might. My friend Kyle walks over and hands me a envelope with the symbol for UA. "Here Kenny. We didn't open it just for your information."

Giggling at my friend, I decide to open it in my room so I can skype Karen. "Thanks Kyle! How you been since we moved here?" My ginger haired friend shrugs his shoulders before letting out a frustrated sigh. "Besides the fact Cartman keeps stealing my stuff, I've been doing good." A smile crosses my face to hear my friends are the same even though we traveled from a mountain to get here.

"At least we aren't with Craig's group. You know Clyde is annoying when he is asleep." Kyle nods his head and laughs a little. "Yeah. Well I'm gonna go start prepare dinner for us. You can tell us the results then."

"Yeah yeah mom." Kyle gives me a small glare before walking into our kitchen.

Looking down at the envelope in my hand I start to feel the butterfly's grow in my stomach. A small bead of sweat falls from my head as I retreat back into my room. I quickly close my door and take out my old laptop from my nightstand. Turning it on I wait for the home screen to open.

When it finally does a screensaver of a lady trying to cover her big boobs is shown. Almost as if natural reflex I open the Skype icon and push the call button for Karen as soon as the icon appeared, completely ignoring my background unlike I normally do.

My family is dirt poor but we have old electronics people throw away. We find them and fix them up to reuse and the internet is covered by a surviving Soda Sopa server that for some reason is still working.

As I wait for Karen to pick up I twiddle with the letter in my hand. This letter had the power to determine my life and future. It had the power to determine if my little sister will have a great education and have a happy life. Slowly my vision starts to focus on the letter and the letter only.


With a snap I look at my computer screen and see Karen with a worried look. "What's wrong Kenny? I've been trying to get your attention since I picked up!"

On the screen was my adorable little sister Karen. Her hair grew a bit longer over the three months I moved away. Quickly I change my expression from nervous to happiness. "Guess who got the letter to decide our future!"

She narrows her eyes before seeing the letter in my hand. Her eyes widen as she smiles wide. "Have you opened it yet?!!! COME ON KEN! TELL ME!!!"

A chuckle escapes my mouth at her eagerness. "No. I haven't opened it yet! I wanted you to see the results with me Kare Bear!"

She giggles and blushes a little at the nickname in embarrassment. "Kenny stop calling me that! I'm already in the fourth grade!" She puffs her cheeks and try's to look mad but is failing big time. "Ok ok! Now! Let's open this baby!!!"


Karen's face gets bigger on the screen as she gets closer to look. Chuckling a little I carefully open the letter and find a mini hologram projector. I take it out and place it between me and the computer as a hologram of All Might appears.

"Hello Young Kenny, my boy! I bet you weren't expecting a holograph now we're you? HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" My eyes sparkle at All Might as I faintly see Karen amazed into silence through the hologram.

"Well I would enjoy talking with you more since you wrote down a very unique quirk on your form but I must make a lot more of these!!!"

He take gives a thumbs up and looks at the camera with his signature smile when the words leave his mouth, "You passed!!! Congratulation! UA will now be your Hero Academia!!!!" Karen screams in joy while a wide smile crosses my face. I thought in that moment it was over but All Might wasn't finished yet.

"Now you passed with 30 villain points and 40 hero points!!! But please don't take your gun on campus for school! We don't need an accidental shooting!" I nod my head fast even though I know he can't see me do this.

All Might let's out a hearty laugh before the hologram turns off to reveal a excited Karen. "OH MY GOD!!!! THE ALL MIGHT CONGRATULATED YOU AND TOLD YOU THAT YOUR IN UA!!!!!!!"

I'm not sure how long, but all we talked about was how I got into UA and how All Might was talking about me when the pain started. But I ignore it till Karen looks sleepy. "Hey Karen. You need to get ready for your first day also!"

She gives me a tired and disbelieving look. "Kenny you know that people are going to bully me.... and now that your gone you can't protect me...." She looks down in guilt and sadness.

"Well! You have Ruby, Ike, and Firkle! They will keep you safe! I know that more then anyone." She smiles a little saying the three of them have been friends since forever. "Yeah..."

Smiling reassuringly I raise my hand in a diet up to the screen. "Digital fist bump!" A giggle leaves her mouth as she fist bumps the computer in the same spot my fist is at.

"Night Kare Bear!"

"Good Night Ken!"

She hangs up and I smile. Grabbing my medicine from the counter I shake the bottle twice for two pills and swallow them. Seeing the time I realize that it's actually kind of late. Yawning I close my eyes and try to sleep.

Man. Schools going to start soon and man do I have no idea what is going to happen.

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