First Day: Part 1

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—Kenny's POV—

I change into my school uniform and smile as I look at myself in the slightly dirty full size mirror I found in the dumpster a few weeks ago. The uniform fits well and doesn't squeeze in the wrong areas. But I felt like something was missing. Looking at my face I realize what it is. "I need to put on something to cover my mouth...."

Going into my nearly empty closet I grab my parka and see that's the part that covers my mouth is attached. "Well dang."

Sighing I slip my gun into my holster that is covered by my uniform, grab my journal and a pencil. As I exit my room  I see Stan and Kyle talking together. One of them turned to me and smiles before waving me over. "So. Seems you couldn't afford a lot like usual."

I nervously laugh and nod my head a bit. "Yeah. You know me. I can't buy it and it's not like people throw perfectly good pens and pencils away, and don't get me started on notebooks." I run my fingers through my blond hair and let out a sigh. Kyle also lets out a sigh before handing me a orange satchel.

My eyes tear up and I look at Kyle. "Kyle...." He looks away and crosses his arms. "Your sister made me promise to make sure your taken care. Plus of the four of us I'm the most well off with how much money my parents gave me before we left. With a smile I hug him. Then I see something on the counter.

A box of cough masks, and it says each one is a different color. Opening it I find a orange one and cover my mouth with it. "Now I feel better!" Smiling behind my mask I put my notebook and single pencil in my satchel. "Let's go! We don't wanna be late now do we?"

Stan and Kyle smile before we hear the door burst open. Instantly Kyle starts to frown and Stan rubs the bridge of his nose while mumbling profanities. Soon enough the fat ass enters the room. "Morning Cartman."

He yawns and starts rummaging through the fridge for food. "Eh! Where the hell is the food?!" We all look at him annoyed.

"The food will come after school. We still haven't earned our paychecks so anything we buy is with our own money our parents gave us. It's not just provided. Our parents aren't here." Cartman scowls at us before going back into his room to come back with his randoseru. "Y'all are just too poor to afford anything!"

An irk mark appears on me since it is kinda true for me. Unlike everyone else here I only have enough money to buy a limited amount of food. Also since my job pays weekly I still haven't received my pay for this week, and until I'm in the thousands all my money goes to food and necessity's.

"Shut up fat ass!" Kyle glares at Cartman before we all leave him. Stan turns to Cartman before he follows. "Don't forget we have to walk their Cartman, and also lock the door." We quickly make our escape as the yelling starts from the fat brunet.

Stan places his hands in his pockets as we all walk down the stairs. "Damn. Sometimes I wonder how the heck he will make it as a hero...."

Me and Kyle both nod our heads. "HEY GIYS WAIT THE FECK UP!!!" We turn our heads to see Cartman speed walking to us.

•—Time Skip—•

When we reach the building we all split up. Kyle was in the support department while Cartman is in class 1-B. Stan and I though made it into class 1-A, the top hero class.

While we were walking down the halls we kept talking about who would be in our classes. "In my arena their was a guy that was blowing everything up. He earned a lot of points but a lot of people got caught in the cross fire."

He scratches his raven colored hair as he sighs. "That's how I got a lot of my points. Saving people from being crushed by rubble." I smile a closed eye smile through my mask at him.

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