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I'm canceling this story till further notice....... Now PLEASE LISTEN TO MY REASONS! I HAVE SOME IMPORTANT ONES!!!

Reason 1.
Normally the way I write is in small bursts over a period of time. Because of this i don't usually go into the chapter I'm working on with the exact same idea I started with. It's also the reason why I used to update fast.

I'd type out what I wanted and if it reached 1,000 words or is near it I would post it. But lately, I haven't been getting that large burst of ideas for this story that I need to continue writing it at the moment. It doesn't help that South Park isn't being shown during times when I'm available to watch it thus dampening my motivation also a bit.

Reason 2.
My parents are forcing me to become more "adult" like. I have a job and thus a large amount of my time is going to that instead of writing this story. I'm also doing a college hunt and working on a presentation to convince my mom to send me to Canada for my dream college. So that's taking up what time my work isn't taking. Also what ever free time I do have is taken up by my mom's chores and errands or dealing with my brother. Thus I'm too tired to want to write.

Reason 3.
I feel like I don't update often enough this story to keep everyone attached to it. Like I tried to do a once every month update thing but with reason 1 and 2 happenings I just couldn't keep to it. So why keep all of you hoping when it's not going to happen anytime soon...

Now I'm not saying I'll never update this story again. But chances of that are extremely unlikely. Like... EXTREMELY, unlikely. Also if I ever do bring the story back, I might just rewrite the entire thing over continuing it. Because at that time I more then likely will have a better idea for the whole story.

Again I'm so so so sorry for how this book turned out and for canceling on you. I hope you don't hate me to much for this.

Till I update again, bye.


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