All Mights First Day

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—Kenny's POV—

I sat in my desk as the bell rings with a mirror next to me. I slightly adjust it to make sure it's positioned just eights.

It was our second day at the famous school UA and I was looking forward to our hero lessons. Sure I might have died and broken the rules by bringing a gun on school grounds, but I have nothing else to protect myself with.

Plus I made sure this time it was my little pellet gun that would bruise but not kill. Surly they can let this slide.... they don't. The moment I walked into the building they did a full body search and confiscated my gun. Damn. So now I'm in class dreaming about some hot chicks.

"I'm..... COMING IN LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!!!!!" The moment the voice filled my ears I hear everyone start fan girling over our teacher, All Might himself. Honestly I was expecting this since for some reason I died from a random laser beam last time, but not this time!

Right on queue the laser hits the mirror and reflects back to wherever it came from with out anyone noticing it. Like always.

Turning my head I see everyone leaving. Realizing that while I was worried about my life, everyone was leaving for the next class! "Hey! Wait up!" Leaving my seat I quickly rush to follow the other guys into the boys locker room.

•—Time Skip—•

Leaving the locker room in my hero costume I quickly walk over to Stan and Creek. "Hello Stan and Creek!" Craig and turns to me and flips me off with the hand he's not holding with Tweek. "Don't fucking call us that."

Shrugging I smile and smirk. "Theirs no way you guys can work together today so no more overpowering people!!!" Covering my mouth I giggle as I think of the advantage.

With his monotone face Craig again flips me off before turning to Wendy who joined us. "Wrong. I thing we have to draw lots, and with these guys luck more then likely they'll get paired." Stan covers his mouth as I just let out a sigh. "UGH!!!! Wendy! Please let me at least hope to stand a chance!"

Fake crying I stick my tongue out teasingly. Wendy rolls her eyes before walking over to All Might. Everyone was now drawing papers from a box. Feeling all hope leave me I let out a annoyed sigh, "God damn it...."

Walking over, when my turn comes I draw a paper from the box with a letter on it. Walking back a bit away from the box, I decide to check on Midoryia. "Hey! What letter did you get?"

Jumping a little he turns to me and shows the letter A on his card. "Nice! Seems you'll go first." Not even seconds after I say this All Might starts to tell us what letter was paired with each other. Midoryia was paired with Uraraka while I was paired up with Stan and Wendy since we had a odd number of classmates.

Me and Stan hug each other as we both pray to god not to be against Craig and Tweek, who also got paired together.... God wasn't on our side.

•—Time Skip—•

We stood with the rest of the class waiting for All Might to state the beginning of the first round which was Midoryia and Uraraka vs Explosion boy and Tenya. The whole point of this was to practice a villain vs hero scenario to give us a feel for how things will be out in the field. But I know this is really just a mock battle.


Almost instantly the teams went into play. Seeing all the camera screens around everyone had about very possible angle in the building. No way was something going to happen that we couldn't see...unless the cameras break.
We all were watching intensely at the scenes unfold.

—3rd POV—

Bakugou runs off in a direction leaving Tenya to defend the fake bomb alone while Midoryia and Uraraka start making their way through the buildings mazy like layout. Kenny with the rest of his class watch with a feeling of anticipation for the fight to break out.

Many thoughts go through all their heads as the fighting begins with a brutal surprise blow from Bakugou to Midoryia. The class not being able to hear what is being said make their comments on the fight completely unaware on how personal this fight truly is for the green haired boy and the ash blond. "That was so unmanly!"

A majority of the class agreed with the spiky red head while Kenny just continues to watch the fight. Reading the lips of the two boys fighting he got the vague awareness of why this is a big deal. Before he even realized it the words left his mouth. "Guys shut up and focus on the fight..."

Everyone turned surprised at Kenny's response to their debating of the two complete opposites. Even Kenny himself was surprised saying he never spoke like that to people he hardly knew. Letting out a smile he quickly waves his hand in the air. "S-sorry! That came out a bit harsher then I meant it to be."

Awkwardly everyone nods their heads and then goes back to watch the fight now seeing Midoryia's hero costume to be almost completely burned off where his mask was at. No one could hear them but Kenny could read lips very well, even if one of them looks to not be making any lip movements from their excessive yelling.

Suddenly Bakugou holds up his hand with the grenade shaped gauntlet on it and faced his hand at Midoryia. He then said something that sent shivers down Kenny's spine. "ALL MIGHT STOP THIS!!!"

Just as the words left Kenny's mouth a explosion is heard and the camera is covered in a cloud of grey dust and rock from the walls. Everyone is silenced as they see what just happened.

Snapped out of his daze All Might puts his hand up to his ear. "Midoryia?! Midoryia answer!"


*screeches* DONE!!!! I hate writers block AND SCHOOL!!! Jk I don't hate school but it does suck...
It's only been a month of it starting and it's already hell... but enough of my problems!

I apologize if this chapter sucks since I've been writing on it on and off for the past.... 2 months I think? But hey. I'm proud I achieved my goal of at least 1000 words for this chapter! >:D

So yeah. Updates will be slow for all my stories but I now have (kinda) a schedule to upload them in! So don't worry about random updates anymore!

Till I update again! See y'all!


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