USJ: Part 2

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"Hey, kid! Why don't you talk to anyone but me?"

The boy with rust-colored hair looks calmly up from the sheet music scattered across the floor of a teal colored room. The corner of his lips barely twitches, just enough to see a smile for a split second before they return to their original position.
The blond boy with lapis blue eyes stares intensely into the other boy's reddish amber colored eyes.

The two boys are the weirdos of their school. Not the weirdos that everyone avoids, but the weirdos that everyone knows of and try to meet. Those kids that are said to be cool for traits that normally would be looked at as off and make you the center of bullying.

The blond being a known pervert but had the looks to make everyone not care. He also was dirt poor and wore the same parka over and over again to hide his stained t-shirt but still had the eyes of almost all the girls.

"... cause I trust you..."

The quite almost nonexistent voice of the rust-colored boy tickled the ears of the blond pervert. It made a light blush coat his cheeks that could not be seen through the thick hood of his vibrant orange parka. He smiles wide but that too is covered by his hood.

The boy of rust stares calmly at the blond boy before returning to writing the musical notes on his sheets.

Now you must be wondering what makes this boy weird. What makes him stand out?

He was new to town and almost instantly got everyone to follow him as a leader without him speaking a single word. Almost everyone had their eyes on him at all times, to either join his side or take him down. Some even wanted nothing more than to make him submit to them alone. But he himself just went with the flow. Rarely does he truly do anything of his own will? Only the guitar in his hands and the people he speaks to are his true choices.

"Hey... If you could be whatever you wanted to be, what would you want to be? Don't let anyone else influence your choice! What do you still want to be?"

Amber eyes soften as a true smile appears on his face. Gently strumming his acoustic guitar he looks deep into the blue eyes across from him. He cautiously takes off the shaggy hood to reveal the messy blond locks of the boy. Leaning forward to his ear and in a whisper, he gives the boy his answer.

"I'd be a-"


Kenny's POV—

I wake up with a start to someone shaking me. Looking up I'm greeted by the face of Karashima. His relieved look when I woke up makes me look down at myself in concern. Slowly sitting up I tenderly rub my aching head.

"Fuuuuuuuuuck....." Wet liquid drips down across my cheek from my head.

"Don't move so much! You hit your head perverted blond!!!" Turning my head to the ash blond known as Bakugou. "Well, du Sherlock." Bakugou clicks his tongue at my sass and turns away from me, surprisingly calm. It weirded me out a bit.
Slowly standing up with the support of Karashima I notice something different about the air. The presence of someone who wasn't the two classmates with me. It felt neutral and calm, a very familiar feeling. Turning to the direction of the presence I see someone I thought dead.

Standing on top a pile of rubble, looking down on us was none other than Eren Dovahkiin. He wore a casual cyan hoody with dark grey sweat pants and black converse. His facial expression was a blank stare that held no emotions as he looked down at us from the pile.

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