USJ: Part 1

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—Kenny's POV—

I sat next to Bakugou on the bus to USJ where we were going to learn how to rescue in natural disaster based terrain. Everyone was having a conversation on quirks and how similar Midoryia's quirk was to All Might's. Stan continued his awkward love stare at Wendy while she talked to Uraraka. I swear the guy needs to get over her.

Turning my gaze outside to stare out through the window, the sound around me seems to blur as my mind wanders. The image of a boy with rust-colored hair and a neutral expression fades into view. He was around 10 years old and held a cyan gloved hand out to me. A light blush covered his cheeks when a smaller brown gloved hand grabbed his. A small smile breaks the boy's neutral expression as he leads the owner or the small hand through a snow-filled forest.


I blink and the forest disappears to reveal the window of the bus. All movements outside having had stopped.

Turning my head I see Stan giving me a serious and worried expression. "Everyone has left the bus already. You're the only one still here."

Blinking in surprised I smile wide and let out a small chuckle. "Sorry man! I must have fallen a but asleep. I did do my first morning of work today."

The worried expression quickly leaves Stan's face to be replaced with one of amusement. "Well, you did say needed a job."

Standing up I quickly follow him off the bus to see hero 11. A person in a giant astronaut looking suit with a black tinted helmet that made it hard to see anything inside it. Uraraka and Midoryia are both having fangirl meltdowns while everyone else listens to what he has to say. 11 explained how USJ is used not only as a movie set but as a training course for disaster based events. He also mentions stuff on how our quirks can not only be used for good but can be a danger to everything around us if not used wisely. 'Except for mine. The most I can do is keep dying.'

Following the class, we all enter USJ and look around in aw. Stan walks next to me with a star shine filled look and Wendy, on the other side of me, texts on her phone with a slightly concerned expression. Poking my head over her shoulder to see I catch a glimpse of a few words.

'Beware possible villain attack.'

Feeling a small shiver go up my spine I look away. "What's up Wendy? You seem worried about something?"

She quickly turns her phone off and shoves it into one of the many slots on her costume. "One of my informants says that there is a high chance of a large scale villain attack happening today. Chances of it happening here is even higher due to All Might being our teacher."

I feel my scowl form on my face. "I guess we have to be prepared for the worst. Should we tell Aizawa-sensei?"

Wendy shakes her head and gives me a serious look. "Most likely you're going to die and can warn us if it does happen."

My face grows hot in rage at what Wendy's words. "Wendy, my quirk doesn't work like that. I don't know when I'll come back! I might now even come back in time to warn everyone! You shouldn't rely on your entire plan on my quirk!"

She narrows her eyes at me before poking me in the chest. "And you don't use your quirk enough! Heck, do you even realize how many situations we could have avoided with your power?!"

Annoyance at the fact that I agree with her swims in my gut as I grit my teeth together. "Wendy. My quirk isn't reliable. So don't rely on it!"

"Guys stop fi-" Stan walks between us then freezes up as he eyes what was across from him. His skin pales and he takes a ragged breath. "N-no way....."

"What the hell has your tongue now Stan?" Wendy turns in the direction of Stan's gaze. Her eyes widen as her hands go to cover her now open mouth. "Oh my God..."

Turning my gaze over for a split second before Aizawa-sensei attacked a giant monster, all three of us saw a tall kid bout our age with rust-colored hair and dark amber colored eyes in front of a black smokey portal, next to a man covered in hands. His neutral gaze swept across the class until it landed on me.

I hear a scream and sob from Tweek before Craig cursed in surprise at the sight of the boy. All five of us were struggling to compute what we were seeing. "Hey, Kid."

The portal turns into a foggy man after releasing a horde of villains from many different backgrounds. The neutral gaze of the boy turns up to the portal man. "Remember the plan. You know what happens if you disobey."

With a small nod of his head, he turns to the class and charges head first at Bakugou. The portal man turns back into his misty form and engulfs everyone as the loud sound of an explosion and cursing comes from where Bakugou was originally at.

Feeling the mist cover me, my vision is engulfed in black.

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