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Where was home for me? I'm not sure I knew the answer to that question anymore. I hadn't thought of the place I grew up as home in so long that I wasn't sure it was anymore. And I couldn't go back to where I had been living since I left my birth place. Even if I did, there was no where for me to go. I had lost my apartment when I lost my job and could no longer afford the rent.

So here I was, sitting on an airplane on my way back to my place of origin, back to the family I hadn't seen in years, back to my father, who I wasn't sure even wanted to see me. I could only pray he would take me in and help me. I had actually missed my father and my baby brother, and I couldn't wait to see them after so long.

So where was home for me? I guess I'll find out. Maybe I'll find home when I get there. Maybe home will be waiting for me with open arms. God knows I need a hug after the few weeks I've had. So here I go, Forks, Washington here I come.

Finding Home in Your ArmsWhere stories live. Discover now