Chapter 8: I Love you's

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After Bella left with her friends Charlie and Nina tried to figure out a solution involving Bella, she couldn't move on to the reservation because she was neither a member of the tribe nor an imprint. The only two options was either they put off living together until Bella left for college, or Charlie left Bella the house and moved in with Nina.

While neither of them wanted to wait that long to be together, they also were not sure if Bella was stable and responsible enough to live on her own. They decided it would be best to wait and discuss the idea with Bella herself.

And with that conversation out of the way, Bella finally gone, Charlie went back to watching the game as Nina made her way into the kitchen to begin cooking dinner. She decided on baked ziti for Charlie, one of her specialties.

Once the game was over, Nina was finally pulling the food out of the oven and placing it on the table. She dished it out on the plates and fixed them both something to drink, Sweet tea for her and a beer for Charlie.

"Charlie dinner's ready, come sit down." Nina called to him

"Why can't we just eat in the living room? Everybody else eats in their living room." Charlie muttered and whined like a child the whole way to the kitchen table. When he got there, he saw that Nina was muffling her laughter.

Charlie sent her a playful glare, "What are you laughing at?"

Nina just shook her head and sat down, "Nothing, you just sound as bad as Jacob with all your whining."

Charlie pouted at her, "Don't make fun of me. I'm an old guy; I'm set in my ways."

Nina laughed loudly, "Charlie, you're not an old guy. You're only 34, you got a long way to go before you're set in your ways, and I'm gonna change some of those ways."

Charlie grinned at her, "I'd gladly change anything for you if it made you happy."

She gave him a soft smile in return, "I don't want you to completely change yourself. I Love you just the way you are."

Her slip up of words shocked them both into silence. They sat there staring at each other for what felt like forever until Charlie stood suddenly from the table. Nina stood to her feet as well, not sure exactly what he was about to do.

Charlie walked up to her and asked her softly, "You love me?"

Nina simply nodded her head in affirmation

He grabber her by her arms and pulled her closer until their noses touched, then he leaned down pressed his lips to hers. This kiss was different than their others, it was hungry and desperate, and it seemed to go on forever. When Charlie finally pulled away they were both breathless. They began making their way to the bedroom, clumsily removing their clothes as they went.


"No one's told me they loved me in years." He confessed later that night when they were just laying there in each other's embrace. "Not even Bella has said it to me, not since she was a little girl anyway. But our relationship has always been a little awkward."

Nina looked up at him in shock, "Everyone needs to be told they are loved."

Charlie shrugged before turning to stare right at her, "I just realized I never responded to your declaration."

She waved him away, "You don't have to say it back until you're ready. I'm no..."

Charlie cut her off, "I love you too, Nina Black."

Nina's grin was so big it actually hurt her cheeks. They didn't say another word; instead they decided just to enjoy each other's presence for a while. They stayed like that for almost an hour, until Charlie's stomach started growling and they remembered that dinner was still sitting on the table, unfinished.

They redressed and went back into the living room, Charlie sat down on the couch and tried to find something on Tv for them to watch while Nina heated up dinner and brought it into the living room for them to eat.

They were sitting side by side, watching an old re-run of 'Frasier', it was all they could find to watch, when Nina's phone rang.


"Nina it's Sam, I'm sorry to ruin your night off, but we got a problem."

Nina frowned in confusion, "What's wrong? Is everyone alright?"

Sam sighed from the other end, "It's Jacob, he's going to phase soon. As in tonight, and your dad thinks you should be here for it."

She nodded, "Alright, let me get dressed and ill be right over."

She ended the call and let out a deep sigh. These boys were all phasing so close together, and she was tired of having the talk.

"Is everything okay, Nina?" Charlie asked worriedly, taking in the sight of her frown

Nina shook her head, "No, that was Sam. He just told me that they're pretty sure Jacob is going to phase soon, as in tonight. I've got to go be with him."

Charlie sat up quickly, "Wasn't he supposed to be with Bella tonight?"

Nina worried her lip, "They didn't say anything about Bella. So I don't think she's with him."

Just as those words were out of her lips Bella walked through the door.

"Hey Bells, I thought you were staying at Angela's house tonight. What happened?"

Bella snorted at her father, "Why, did I ruin your perfect night with your perfect girlfriend?" she asked sarcastically, "No Angela's sick."

She gave them a glare full look before walking up the stairs and to her room, shutting the door behind her.

Nina let out a small, uncomfortable laugh, "Well I guess that answers that question."

Charlie nodded but was still staring up the stairs, as though waiting for Bella to come back down.

Nina noticed how dejected he looked and decided to try and uplift his spirits, "Do you want to come with me?"

Charlie gave her a look of shock but nodded his head in agreement.

She smiled broadly, "Then lets go."

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