Chapter 1: I'm coming home

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Nina sat in her car on the front yard of her childhood home; she hadn't been back here in seven years and she was nervous. The last time she had spoken to her father was about two months ago when he had asked her to come down for a visit, but she had been so busy with work and couldn't get the time off. They had argued and hadn't spoken to each other since.

Lucky she had still talked with her baby brother nearly every day, and he had told her that their father wasn't angry anymore, he just missed her. She hoped that was true, because she needed his help now more than ever, with what was going on with her.

Nina could hear voices coming from the garage, and could hear the sound of the TV on in the house, so she knew that her father and brother were home. Now she just had to get the courage up to get out of her car and go knock on the door.

Looking to the side of her, Nina saw the old rusted looking truck that had been her father's. It was probably her little brother's now; he was finally old enough to drive. But beside it was also a police car which confused her. Why was that here?

Bracing herself she popped open the car door and stepped out. Grabbing her purse from the back seat Nina began making her way to the front door.

As she got closer, the voices from the garage became more distinctive one was definitely her brother, Nina didn't recognize the other but she could tell it was a girl's voice, But she ignored them in favor of seeing her father first

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As she got closer, the voices from the garage became more distinctive one was definitely her brother, Nina didn't recognize the other but she could tell it was a girl's voice, But she ignored them in favor of seeing her father first.

Walking up the ramp, Nina finally made it to the front porch. Taking a deep breath she put her fist out and hesitantly knocked on the front door.

"Coming!" She heard her father call out from inside the house.

Shifting from foot to foot, Nina waited for the front door to open, and when it finally did an older Native American man sitting in a wheelchair was on the other side.

Billy Black stared in awe at the person who had knocked on his door. He couldn't get any words to come out he was so shocked to see her here of all places.

Finally after a bout of silence, Nina was the first to break it, "Hi, daddy." She said quietly.

"Ninova (Neen-oh-vah)." Billy choked out, shocked to see his little girl standing before him after so many years apart. He wasted no time reaching for her and pulling her into a tight embrace.

Nina went into the hug eagerly; she had dearly missed her father and was glad to be in his arms. "Daddy," She sniffled into his shoulder, "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too baby girl so, so much." He told her, has he pulled away to inspect her after not seeing her for so long. "Look at you, so grown up. You cut your hair, I like it." Billy smiled proudly at her before frowning, "But, what are you doing here? I thought you were busy with your new job and couldn't come down."

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