Chapter 6: New Additions and Long talks

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After changing back and putting her clothes back on, Nina and Charlie headed back to the bonfire hand in hand. Everyone who knew what was going on was smirking happily at them. They ignored them however and Nina walked Charlie to his car. They had agreed that it was late and that Charlie would come over and they would finish the conversation tomorrow.

Once they reached his car Nina broke the silence, "I'm really glad you're handling this so well, I've been so nervous for day."

Charlie grinned slightly at her, "I'll admit, it will take me a while to get used to, but I'm willing to try because you were right, I do feel the connection between us. I also can tell that if I were to give up on us I would regret it for the rest of my life."

Nina beamed up at Charlie before throwing her arms around him and pressing her lips to his. Charlie was shocked at first but bounced back quickly and began kissing her back just as fervently. They wound their arms around each other and when Nina felt his tongue trace her bottom lip she opened and allowed him entrance.

They could have stayed like that forever, but when they began to hear catcalls they pulled away from each other and realized they had attracted an audience. Nina was blushing hard, but smiling up at Charlie like an idiot. And Charlie was grinned down at her just as stupidly.

When they finally unwound their arms from around each other, Charlie finally got in his car and left, and Nina walked back to the fire in a bit of a daze. The bon fire was over now, and everyone was packing the food and furniture up and getting ready to go home.

The council and Sam crowded around her and began asking a million questions at once, Jared and Paul had left once the legends were over for patrol. But Nina silenced them, "I told him, he didn't believe me at first so I phased in front of him, I tried to explain everything to him and we agreed to discuss it more tomorrow."

Everyone grinned and congratulated her before dispersing.

Sam stayed behind and once everyone was out of earshot turned and asked her, "Do you really think it went well?"

Nina opened her mouth to answer him but before she could get a word out Jared came running up, "Guys we got a problem, Embry Call just phased. Paul stayed with him to try and calm him down, but it doesn't seem to be working."

Nina and Sam were up immediately and following Jared into the forest, stripping and phasing as they went.

Once they reached the clearing that Embry and Paul were in, all they saw was Paul laying in the grass in and Embry pacing back and forth in wolf form, they started slowing their pace and walking towards him with caution. Embry looked terrified and began snarling at them with his hackles raised.

Nina slowing walked closer to him and began talking to him in his mind, "Hi Embry, its Nina Jacob's big sister. You don't have to be afraid."

Embry jumped in fright, "What the hell is going on? What's happened to me?"

Nina tried to sooth him, "Calm down Embry, you'll never be able to shift back if you get yourself all worked up. Now if you think really hard, you'll know exactly what has happened to you."

Her words didn't seem to help him at all, in fact it seemed to make in more agitated, "What are you even talking about? I'm a giant wolf! How can I calm down?"

Nina rolled her eyes and sighed, "God, you're an idiot. Didn't you ever hear the tribe legends? You're a spirit warrior now, a protector of the tribe."

Embry stared at her in shock, and they could all see his memories of the tribe stories being told to him, "So you're saying, werewolves, vampires; it's all real? And now I'm one too? What the actual fuck?!"

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