Chapter 2: Dinner at the Black's

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Bella wasn't sure she liked the way Jake's sister was watching her father, or the way her father was looking at Jake's sister. Even though it had been years, she still couldn't see her father with anyone besides her mom. Besides, there was something just not right about her. Bella couldn't put her finger on it. She just got a bad vibe from Nina Black.

She would just have to keep an eye on them, Bella decided, and make sure that her father steered clear of the woman.

Jake and Charlie had come back into the living room and they were all sitting around watching the game that had first been on when Nina had arrived and making light conversation. None of the occupants in the room were aware of the thoughts going through Bella's head of ways to keep Charlie away from Nina.

Though the more she watched them interact with each other, the more she realized just how hard that was going to be. The two seem to be pulled towards the other. Like a string was connecting them and with every moment the string became shorter and stronger.

Billy was sitting in his wheel chair and Jake was sitting in a large chair off to the side. So that left Nina, Charlie, and Bella for the couch.

Charlie sat between the two girls, and it seemed that with every minute Charlie and Nina moved closer and closer together. It was an unconscious act; they didn't even know they were doing it. It wasn't until their hands brushed together that they even realized how close together they were.

Charlie had just turned his head to speak to Nina when Bella jumped up from the couch, "Well, it's about time for dinner. Charlie don't you think it's time we get home?" she spoke loudly, gaining everyone's attention.

Jacob gave her a disappointed look; he wasn't ready for Bella to leave yet.

Billy stared at her knowingly; he knew she had seen what was going on between her father and Nina. That girl was too observant for her own good.

Charlie also gave a disappointed look, but followed his daughter up with a sigh to match. He didn't know how he was going to go home and be away from this beautiful woman. Just the thought of leaving her hurt him. It was an odd feeling, after years of not looking at another woman, to going strait to being practically obsessed with one single woman.

Nina, however, just smile and clapped her hands together as she stood to her feet, "Actually, why don't you and Bella stay for dinner? It's my first night home so I was planning on cooking something really special and I'm sure daddy and Jake would love it if you two stayed." She said and she gave Charlie her sweetest smile, practically melting him on the spot.

Charlie blushed and gave her an awkward smile in return, "We'd like that, thanks for the offer."

Nina continued smiling at him, having eyes for no one else in the room but him, "Great, I guess I better go ahead and get started on dinner then." She replied as she walked backwards into the kitchen making sure to keep eye contact the whole way in.

Neither of them noticed Bella's furious glare, nor did Jacob, who was watching, amused, as his sister flirted with the chief of police. This could definitely work in his favor if he ever got into trouble with the cops.

But Billy did notice, and while he was still trying to decide how he felt about his daughter being with his friend, he did not approve of the way Bella was looking at the two. Was she really so against her father being happy? Was Isabella Swan that selfish?

He had always hoped he and Charlie would be in-laws, but he had never thought that Charlie could someday be his son-in-law. And while that was a weird concept to grasp, just watching how the imprint was affecting his daughter and friend; they acted like two teenagers who had a crush on each other, it was somewhat adorable. And Billy was glad to see them so happy. But it would take some getting used to.

Bella leapt from her place on the couch, "I'd like to help, if you don't mind." She said sweetly, thinking this was a great way to get the woman alone and figure out what was going on.

Nina smiled happily, "I'd love that, thank you Bella." She replied, thinking this was a wonderful way to get to know the girl and bond with her. The men watched as they two walked into the kitchen together and out of sight.

Charlie and Jacob were happy it seemed that the girls were getting on so well, while Billy continually glanced suspiciously after them. He didn't trust Bella Swan alone with his little girl.


Once they entered the kitchen, Nina immediately got to work on fixing supper, while Bella sat down at the kitchen table and watched her.

They were silent most of the time Nina was cooking; she figured Bella wasn't a big conversationalist.

Nina finally tried to make conversation with Bella, hoping to get the girl to like her better, "So, are you and my brother dating?" she asked curiously.

"No we're not, not that it's any of your business." was Bella's snippy reply.

Nina was taken aback by Bella's rude tone but decided to just brush it off, "Uh okay, well do you know if your father's seeing anyone?"

Bella turned to glare fiercely at her, "No he's not, but I wouldn't get my hopes up if I were you." She gave Nina a once over and smirked, "You're not really his...type."

Right after she said that all three men entered the room. You could tell by Billy's face that he had caught the last of what Bella had said to his little girl, but Charlie and Jacob were oblivious.

Nina tried to cover up her confusion and hurt with a smile, "Dinner's ready, I hope you're all hungry."

The men nodded their heads in agreement and came over to the table. Jacob took the seat to the left of Bella while Charlie took the one to the right, and that left a spot open for Nina right in between her dad and Charlie, and that worked out fine for both of them.

Nina placed the food in the center on the table and sat down as everyone began helping themselves.

"So Nina," Charlie started nervously, "You never answered, how long you were going to be home?"

Nina looked up from her plate, "As long as daddy will let me stay." She answered turning to look at her father.

Billy smiled warmly at her, "You know you're welcome here always." His words had everyone at the table smiling except Bella.

"Well Forks has changed a bit since you were last home, if you need someone to give you a tour I'd be happy to oblige." Charlie stated hesitantly.

Nina was quick to accept his offer, "I'd love that, if you're sure you're not too busy that is."

"No, Not at all, actually, Lets see today's Saturday so that means I have the day after tomorrow off if that works for you." He offered

Nina was just about to concur, but Bella was quick to jump in, "But dad, I thought you were going fishing with Billy and Harry Clearwater." Once she reminded him, both Charlie and Nina's smiles fell from their faces.

"Oh that's alright," Billy interrupted, "I'm sure Harry and I will do just fine without Charlie one time." Bella sent him a frown but her anger was worth the smiles blossoming on his daughter and best friend's faces.

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