Chapter 5: Telling Charlie

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For the rest of the month, Charlie was down in La Push at the Black's home to spend time with Nina, or else he and Nina were out on a date. They hardly spent anytime at his house in Forks, It was painfully obvious that Bella didn't like Nina. Though Charlie couldn't understand why, Nina was always so kind to her.

Nina had also been very busy, meeting with the Council and going over her duties. It was nerve wracking all the responsibility that was now placed on her shoulders, But the council promised that she wouldn't have to deal with it all alone, the pack would welcome her. And they were right, not long after their meeting Sam Uley offered to step down as alpha, and though Nina wasn't sure she wanted the responsibility she took her rightful place. It took Paul and Jared some time to get used to the idea, but Nina tried to make it as easy a transition as possible.

Nina and Sam spent a lot of time together discussing everything and making sure Nina was comfortable in her new position, he also spent some time explaining the imprint to her, he himself already having gone through it.

Once Nina took over her role completely the Black home was filled with not one, not two, but four wolves.

On Friday morning, the day of the bon fire, after seeing the disaster the boys had made in her father kitchen and the fuming look on her little brothers face as they took up the whole living room, Nina decided to start looking for her own place to live.

When she told her father her plans he was disappointed that she would being leaving home again, but it comforted him that she wouldn't be too far away.

Once she got the mess the boys made cleaned up, Nina began preparing some food for the bon fire that night. She could barely contain her excitement, but she was also filled with nerves. Nina couldn't decide whether she wanted to squeal and jump up and down, or throw up and cry.

She hoped Charlie handled the secret well; she was scared he would freak out and run away from her. That maybe he would never want to see her again.

As these thoughts ran through her head, Billy noticed the growing look of fear on his daughter's face and rolled over to her. He grabbed her hand, catching her attention, "Don't worry my little Ninova, Charlie will accept you, and the imprint."

Nina knelt down to her father's level and confided in him, "I'm scared that when he see's me for the monster I am he'll want nothing to do with me."

Billy frowned disapprovingly at his little girl, "Stop that, you are not a monster, you are my sweet, beautiful, little girl. And Charlie will see that too. Hell, he's already half in love with you."

Nina smiled kindly at her father, "Thank you daddy. I'm sorry, I've just been really worried. I already love him so much, and just the thought of him rejecting me, well it hurts."

Billy smiled indulgently, "I know Nina, but don't worry. Everything will work itself out eventually. Now come on wrap all that food up, it's time to head down to the beach." He told her before rolling away. "Charlie will be meeting us there soon."



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