Chapter 13: Thank you for the imprint

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The Cullen's left peacefully that next day with a promise not to return until the packs children's children had passed on, and they had not been heard from since.

Life got relatively simple after that, well as simple as a shape-shifting pack of wolves lives could. Vampire sighting were a few and far between, except for the occasional leech passing through.

Time moved on and about six months later Nina and Charlie took a trip to go visit Bella. Nina had been right about Bella forgiving them eventually. They had a nice visit and Bella even attempted to get along with Nina, but she didn't push it. Nina knew Bella would come to like her in her own time.

Renee had been making her go see a shrink, and Bella was doing much better since.

Sadly they were not able to stay as long as Charlie would have liked. They both had jobs and a home to get back to. They said their farewells to Bella and made their way back home, where they found a very messy house full of adolescent wolf pups.

Nina was furious, Charlie was amused, and made the boys spend their entire day clean her house and one would think these boys had never cleaned anything in their lives. It wasn't until Nina went on strike and refused to cook the boys anything that they finally apologized.


On Nina and Charlie's one year anniversary, he finally proposed

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On Nina and Charlie's one year anniversary, he finally proposed. He took her to the Diner where they had their first date, then drove down the La Push beach and just as the sun was setting he dropped to one knee a presented her with the most beautiful ring she had ever seen, "Nina Black, the moment I saw you I was completely in love, and since that moment you have consumed my every thought. I can't imagine spending a day without you. Would you do me the honor of accepting this ring and becoming my wife?"

Nina grinned down at him and wiped a stray tear away as she nodded her head, "Yes, of course I'll marry you."

Her answer caused Charlie to jump to his feet, grab Nina in his arms and spin her around, both laughing happily.


The weekend before their wedding, Nina's sisters Rebecca and Rachel came home and as they were visiting with Nina, the boys came over and BAM! Paul imprinted on Nina's little sister, Rachel.

Unfortunately Paul didn't have much time to tell Rachel his secret as she was leaving a week after the wedding, so he had to tell her before they even had a chance to get to know each other. After Rachel was shown proof and actually believed what he was telling her, she agreed to stay and get to know him.

Bella also came to the wedding which caused a bit of awkwardness between her and Jacob, they didn't know how to react to each other, but they agreed to put everything behind them. Neither one was interested in the other anymore, so they agreed to be... friends. Bella had a boyfriend in Florida and Jacob had recently found his imprint, though he had yet to tell her or bring her around the family.

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