Chapter 9: Welcome to the Pack

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Nina was running through the woods, towards La Push, in wolf form with Charlie riding on her back, he had her fur in his grip, holding it tightly. She had decided they would get there faster if she phased and Charlie had no other option but to comply, although you could tell he was a nervous wreck.

They finally arrived at Billy's within record time and Charlie was quick to hope off her back. He stumbled around for a minute, trying to regain his senses.

Nina heard voices coming from the backyard; she phased and immediately ran through the house and out back, with Charlie following right behind her. Once there they found Billy, Sam, and a phased Jacob. Billy and Sam were trying to talk Jacob through everything, but it seemed like Sam's presences there was just pissing Jake off more. He was shaking so violently it was like he was vibrating, and every time Sam talked Jacob growled and raised his hackles. Once Nina walked towards the group he began to calm down a bit.

"Okay, I'm here." Nina stated as she came out the door. Everyone was relieved to see her, but confusion took over their face once Charlie followed behind her.

Billy nodded his head at Charlie in a greeting and reached over to shake his hand, "Charlie, good to see you here. Welcome to the Pack."

Charlie shook his hand back and shrugged letting out an uncomfortable laugh, "Uh thanks, good to be here I guess."

Nina chuckled at Charlie's awkwardness before turning to Jacob, "Now, Let's deal with this little issue. Jacob Ephraim Black, You need to phase back so we can all go inside and talk this out."

Jacob whined pitifully and even though Nina couldn't read his thoughts in human form, she knew exactly what he was saying. She didn't know if it was an alpha thing or a sibling thing.

"Look, you have to calm down, ignore Sam, and try to focus." Nina said in a soothing voice as she guided his through his transformation, "Close your eyes and think about your human body, think about your wolf body transforming into your human body."

Jacob let out another whine and flattened his ears to his head; he walked over to Nina, causing the men to tense up, and rubbed his head against her belly. Nina chuckled softly at what a baby her brother was being, then pushed him away, "Stop, now focus Jacob."

He let out a huff but obeyed and took a few steps away from everyone. They all stood around waiting with baited breaths.

This was all so amazing to Charlie; sure he had seen Nina change before but with Jacob it was like it was happening in slow motion. Watching the fur shed away and smooth skin replace it, and then suddenly there was a young man standing before them instead of a giant wolf.

"Woah." Charlie murmured after it was all over and Jacob was left standing there stark naked.

Sam held out his hand for Jacob to take the cut offs he was offering and once Jake had them on he looked at his father and sister, "Okay, so you wanna explain what the hell's going on? What just happened to me?"

Nina leaned down and whispered to her father, "You know, I'm getting kind of tired of explaining this so much. You wanna take the reins with this one?"

Billy smirked at her, "Oh no sweetie, it's your pack, you explain it to your baby brother."

Nina let out a sigh, "Alright lets all go in the house and we'll talk there."

Nina and Billy led the way into the living room with Charlie, Sam and Jacob following behind. Once everyone was seated Nina began explaining this once again. She went over the same talk as she had three times before. The legends were true, they had a wolf blood in their veins, it was now their job to protect the tribe, she was alpha so her brother would be taking orders from her, and no one could know about it outside of his pack and the council.

Jake sat there quiet as his sister dumped all this information on his lap, and once she was done talking he began asking questions, "So that's why you came back home? you phased?"

Nina sighed, "Yes I did, I phased all by myself in my tiny apartment with no one around to help me. You're lucky you don't have to go through this huge change alone. You've got all of us."

Jacob looked over at Sam, "And that's what happened to you? And Paul, Jared and Embry? You all phased, turned into giants and started acting weird."

Sam chuckled, "Yeah pretty much, it's hard to keep in touch with your friends when you turn into a huge monster. Nina doesn't require that we cut anyone out of our lives, but it's not easy to hide such a big secret so it just became easier to hang out with the guys in the pack already."

Charlie sat there and listened to the conversation, before this he hadn't realized what a huge impacted turning had on these boys' lives. They may not look it but they were all still kids, who could never have normal lives now.

Jacob then turned and looked at his sister, "And we're supposed to protect the tribe from what? The cold ones? What does that even mean?"

"Yes we are here to protect our people from the cold ones, or as you are probably more used to them being called, Vampires, like the Cullen family."

Charlie's head shot up then, "Wait, what? The Cullen's were vampires? The same cullens I let my daughter hang out with and date? Why the hell didn't anybody tell me?"

Billy answered this time, "It wasn't our place to tell you, Charlie."

"The hell it wasn't!" he exclaimed

"We have a treaty with the Cullens, to tell you their secret would be to violate the treaty. Bella knew their secret and was welcome to tell you at anytime. You should take this up with her. If it makes you feel any better, the Cullens don't drink human blood, they drink animal."

"Bella knew!" both Charlie and Jacob yelled at the same time.

"How could she do this?"

Why would she date a bloodsucker?"

"Is that why she's been so weird lately?"

"Does that mean I can tell Bella our secret too?"

Both of them shooting off answers simultaneously, talking over each other and confusing everyone.

Finally Nina stood up, "Alright, enough! Charlie these are obviously things you need to discuss with your daughter. We don't know the answers to your questions. And Jacob, no this does not mean you can tell Bella about us, she is neither a tribe member or an imprint. You will not say one word to her about this."

Jacob opened his mouth to argue Nina silenced him with a raised hand, "I'm serious Jacob, you will say nothing to Bella, I don't want to alpha command you but I will do it if you can not control yourself."

Jacob let out a huff of annoyance and started pouting but still nodded his head in understanding.

Nina gave a smile and stood to her feet, Charlie followed her example and stood as well, "Good, now that this has been sorted out I would like to actually get some sleep tonight. Good night everyone." She then turned to leave with Charlie right behind her in a sort of daze. This had been a weird night for him.

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