Chapter 10: What to do about Bella?

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Things got more difficult after Jacob changed. Bella was calling for him at least ten times a day; they finally had to resort to telling her that Jacob was sick at the moment. Because she had excluded all of her other friends and Jacob was ignoring her, Bella had been home a lot more lately and had apparently decided it was all Nina's fault that Jacob wouldn't talk to her.

On the bright side Nina had finally found a house just at the edge of La Push reservation, it was just a bit out of her price range but Charlie offered to kick in the rest since he would be there as well; they had still yet to talk about the living situation with Bella, but they were hoping they could do it soon. Thankfully the process was going by quickly and she would have her home in a week's time.

Jacob was not handling things well, he was moody and whiny all the time, no one else in the pack wanted to be stuck with him. Jacob was sure that if Nina would just let him see Bella he would imprint on her and then she could know about them and they could be together.

And Jacob got his chance to see her almost a week later when the pack had tracked down a vampire, and Bella just happened to be around when they caught it. When they got there and Jacob looked into her eye though, nothing happened and he was heartbroken. They were able to kill the leech, but a new problem arose in Bella running home and telling her father about the wolves; thank god Charlie already knew about them, so the only thing to come about her crying wolf was for Charlie to take off the La Push to check on Nina.

The pack had just made it back to Sam's house when Charlie came rushing through the door looking for Nina. The boys were all on adrenaline rushes from killing the vampire and the house was in joyous chaos, all except Jacob, who was sitting in the corner sulking.

As soon as Nina saw Charlie step into the house she stood from her seat, ran and leapt into his arms and they just held each other. They both needed the reassurance that the other was safe.

"When Bella ran home and told me what she saw I was so worried about you

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"When Bella ran home and told me what she saw I was so worried about you." He murmured into her shoulder

She hugged him even tighter before releasing him slightly and pulling away, "What did Bella tell you she saw?" Her question had all the boy quieting down to listen

Charlie shifted uncomfortably with all the attention on him, "She just said that she saw a bunch of giant wolves in the forest that you all were chasing something."

"Was anyone else there when she told you this?" Nina asked worriedly, they didn't need humans searching the woods for them while they were patrolling.

"No one but Harry Clearwater." Charlie replied and the whole pack let out a sigh of relief before going back into their jolly mood, until Jacob opened his mouth and ruined it.

"Now that Bella has seen us, can we tell her about the pack?" he looked towards his big sister with the most adorable puppy dog face ever.

Embry pointed at him, "Hey foul play! Jake, you can't use that face just to get what you want from Nina!"

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