Chapter 7: Caught and moving in?

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After Nina and Charlie had finished their... activities, they walked out of her bedroom with Nina only wearing Charlie's t-shirt and Charlie only in a pair of boxers. He was walking behind her with his arms wrapped around her waist, and kissing the side of her neck making her giggle and scrunch away.

The two of them were walking towards the kitchen to grab sustenance before they resumed their activities

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The two of them were walking towards the kitchen to grab sustenance before they resumed their activities. After their fourth round Nina had looked over at her nightstand clock and saw that they had been at it for almost four hours.

The day couldn't have gone better than what it already had, she was completely in love with her imprint and Nina was fairly sure that Charlie loved her too. Nina had never been happier in her life than she was at this moment.

Charlie for his part was already thinking of the prospective future he could have with this amazing woman. She could give him everything he had always wanted, love, someone to come home to, a family, someone to grow old with. He had never been happier than she had made him the moment she looked into his eyes.

"Oh my god, My eyes!" someone's yell interrupted their thoughts of happiness and their future.

Nina and Charlie jumped in fright and turned to stare at the people sitting in the living room. Billy had gotten home at some point and was sitting in front of the Tv along with Paul and Embry, who were sitting on the couch. Jacob and Bella had just walked through the door and were just as shocked at what they were seeing as everyone else.

It was Paul who had screamed and was now laying on the floor writhing in pain, Embry had his head lifted up to the ceiling with his eyes closed and looked as though he was trying to shake the image from his head. Billy, poor Billy, was staring pointedly at the Tv and making sure not to look anywhere else.

Jacob was standing there blushing hard and trying not to look up from the floor he was staring at. It seemed like Bella was the only one who was staring straight at them, which was slightly more uncomfortable than not looking. She was looking at her father with horror etched on her face, then her eyes would switch to Nina and a murderous and disgusted look would come over it, "Dad! Are you serious?"

That seemed to snap them out of their shock. Nina let out a shriek of embarrassment, and ran back into her room. Charlie stood there awkwardly for a second and smiled nervously at Billy, who was giving him a death glare, and then he turned and fast walked back to the bedroom as well.

As soon as he entered the bedroom his shirt flew through the air and landed on his head, "Get dressed please. Oh my god, my dad just saw us naked, my Brother just saw us naked! Everyone knows what we have been doing all day. I can never look them in the face again!" Nina cried as she flung herself on her bed.

Charlie was pulling his pants up, but in the middle of her rant he stopped getting dressed and began laughing.

Nina threw her hands in the air, "And now you're laughing at me! Why are you laughing at me?"

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