Chapter 4: First Almost Date

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When Nina and Billy finally left after speaking to the council it was dark out. Jake was already home by the time they made it back and Nina immediately starting fixing dinner for her family. Once it was done Jacob and Billy came into the kitchen and began stuffing their faces with food. It had been so long since they had, had good home cooked meals.

"So what did the two of you do all day?" Jake asked them after swallowing is food.

Billy shrugged, "I took her over to Sue and Harry's house to see the council, they're going to be on the lookout for a job opening around here for your sister."

Jake looked hopefully at his sister, "A job? Does that mean you're planning on staying home?"

Nina chuckled, "Well I can't stay here forever but I am moving back to reservation and I'll be staying here for a while till I can find my own home. I am a grown woman, can't live with daddy forever."

Jacob gave her a bright grin before going back to stuffing his face.

After dinner they all went into the living room and watched a movie together until the phone rang and Nina got up to answer it. "Hello, Black residents."

"Hi, uh Nina, this is Charlie Swan." The person on the side of the phone answered nervously.

Nina smiled brightly, "Oh hi Charlie, do you want you to talk daddy?"

"Uh, no I was actually calling to speak to you," Charlie replied, "I was wondering if we were still on for tomorrow, and what time you wanted me to come get you?"

Nina blushed, though he couldn't see her, "Um, you still want to show me around then you can come pick me up around eleven tomorrow morning, if that's not too early for you."

"No that sounds just fine, I'll be there to pick you up then. Alright uh, see you tomorrow. Goodnight Nina"

"Goodnight Charlie." She hung up the phone and let out a squeal

"Nina? Who was on the phone?" Billy asked from the living room

"Dad, can't you tell from her girly noises, her boyfriend just called." Jacob answered her father for her.

Nina let out a small giggle at her family before walking back into the living room to finish the movie with her family.


When Nina woke up at eight the next morning, plenty of time to do everything she needed to before Charlie showed up. She immediately began cooking breakfast for her father and brother before going to get herself ready for her semi date with Charlie. She was so excited she could barely stand it.

But she was also nervous, what if Charlie completely freaked out when she told him her secret and wanted nothing to do with her? What if he gave her a look of disgust and shunned her instead of embracing what they had together

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But she was also nervous, what if Charlie completely freaked out when she told him her secret and wanted nothing to do with her? What if he gave her a look of disgust and shunned her instead of embracing what they had together.

Nina had spent so long agonizing over what might happen, that time had gotten away from her. Next thing she knew Billy was calling for her because Charlie was there to pick her up.

Nina walked out of her room into the living room where the men were waiting and gave Charlie a small smile when he turned to look at her. Charlie couldn't comprehend how much this woman had become so important to him in such a short amount of time. And God she was just the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

"Hi Charlie, are we ready to go?" Nina asked as she came to stand before him.

Charlie gave her a smile back, "Nina, you look lovely today, and yes I'm ready to go when you are."

Nina grinned and then turned to her father and gave him a kiss on the cheek, "We'll be home in a few hours daddy." She then took Charlie by the arm and walked out of the house and to his car.

"So where are we going first?" Nina asked once they were situated in the car and riding down the road.

Charlie grinned over at her, "Well first I thought I could take you to the diner for lunch since it is almost that time and then we could maybe take a walk around town."

Nina let out a sigh of content, "That sounds wonderful."

Charlie smiled, he was glad that she was so relaxed with him, "So, what made you decide to come back home?"

Nina froze for a fraction of a second before speaking, "If it's alright with you I'd rather not discuss that at the moment." She almost pleaded

Charlie frowned in confusion and worry but decided not to press that matter, "Alright then, so what's your favorite color?"

His question was so simple it caused her to let out a small laugh, "Um, red. What's your favorite color?"

Charlie looked over at her and smirked, "Green"

Nina blushed, her eyes were green.

They arrived at the diner and immediately slid into a booth, the waitress came to take their order and once she was gone they began talking. Once the awkwardness had passed it was like they were old friends catching up. There was never a lull in the conversation. Nina loved spending time with her imprint but the nervousness from having to tell him her secret was in the back of her head all day.

They sat talking for almost two hours and once they decided to finally take their tour of forks they were as comfortable as can be with one another.

Charlie and Nina walked all around town for a few more hours before deciding to head back to the diner where the car was parked.

On their car ride back to La push Charlie looked down and realized that at some point on the drive they had begun holding hands. The sight causing a smile to bloom on his face, he really cared about this girl and he was beginning to think of their little outing as a date. He hoped she felt the same way.

Pulling into Billy's house had never been more depressing; they didn't want to leave each other after such a wonderful day. Nina let out a sigh as Charlie got out of the car and came around to open her door for her.

Nina stepped out of the car and smiled up at Charlie, she loved that he was taller than her. Then they began walking towards the house.

Charlie smiled sheepishly back, "So I was wondering if I could see you again, and maybe not use showing you the town as a ruse for a date?" he asked awkwardly

Nina grinned happily up at him, "I would love that. Actually, the tribes having a bon fire the last Friday of the month, it's supposed to be clear skies. I would love it if you would come."

Charlie looked at her shocked, he had never been to one of the tribes bon fires, they were usually exclusively for members of the tribe only, "I'll make sure I'm not working that night."

Nina was ecstatic but also nervous, once he came to the bonfire she would have to tell him the truth, "All right, I can't wait." She told him before leaning forward and placing a kiss at the corner of his mouth, "By Charlie, thank you for a lovely day."

Charlie grinned the whole way back to his car, he grinned backing out of their driveway and he grinned the whole way home.

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