Chapter 11: Goodbye Bella

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Bella sat there in shock for a few moments and for a second Charlie almost thought she was going to handle this calmly, like an adult; but just when he was starting to relax, "WHAT?!"

Bella jumped up from the couch like it had burned her and towered over Charlie, "You're sending me away!? You can't do this, I won't go and you can't make me leave!"

Charlie stood to his feet as well, "Yes I can, and you will go! If you refuse to go to your mother's then you don't have to go, you're eighteen now, but if you do not go you will no longer be welcome in my home."

Bella opened and closed her mouth in shock before she let out a shriek of anger and ran into the kitchen where Nina was still cleaning, Charlie following behind her at a slower pace.

He arrived inside the doorway of the kitchen just in time to see Bella jump on Nina, drag her to the floor and began swinging her fists at her screaming how it was all Nina's fault. If Nina hadn't been a werewolf with unmentionable strength then she would have defended herself, but as it was Nina didn't want to hurt Bella.

Bella's punches didn't really hurt they were just kind of annoying, "Bella, Stop!" Nina shouted as she grabbed Bella's wrists and pushed her away so she could get up off the floor.

Charlie had run over and grabbed Bella just before she tried to attack Nina once again, "Bella that is enough! Stop behaving like a child!" he shouted at her as he pulled her to the other side of the kitchen as far away from Nina as possible.

Bella stood there, in shock, before bursting into hysterical tears, "Please, I don't want to leave Charlie. Jacob's here, he's my best friend. All my memories of Him are here. I can't leave I just cant! I won't!" she screamed, stopping her foot like the brat she was.

Charlie walked over to Nina and helped her off the floor before turning and looking to Bella, "Bella you are not in your right mind, I don't think it was a good idea for you to ever come here. And after what you just did to Nina, there is no way I would allow you to stay in my home. I'd get to packing if I were you; your plane leaves tomorrow night."

Bella was stunned her father wasn't caving to her desire; everyone always did what she wanted them to. Then she began to get angry again, "This is your fault!" she screamed pointing her finger at Nina. She tried to run at her again but was stopped by Charlie. "You're making him send me away, I know it! I hate you! I've always hated you! I hate all of you!" and with that she ran upstairs to her room.

After she was gone Charlie let out a sigh of exhaustion and dropped down into a chair, pinching the bridge of his nose, trying to fight of an oncoming headache. Nina gave him a sympathetic smile and sat down beside him. She reached for his hand and gave it a squeeze.

Charlie looked up at her and gave a half hearted smile and chuckled, "Well that could have gone better."

Nina smiled back, "It'll be okay. She's mad now, but she's still a child. Bella will get over it. She won't be mad forever." She then stood up and finished cleaning the kitchen.

Once she had put away the last dish, Nina walked over to Charlie, grabbed his hand and pulled up into a standing position. She led him into the bedroom where she proceeded to show him just how much she loved him.


Charlie left for work the next morning with strict instructions that Bella was to finish packing her belongings and be ready to leave when he came home. But Bella had decided that if they were going to make her leave then they could pack her things for her; so Nina spent the entire day cleaning out Bella's room, since Bella wasn't lifting a finger to help pack her own stuff.

Nina didn't feel like dealing with another big argument so she deiced to take care of it for Charlie. By the time He got home at five o'clock, she had all of Bella's possessions packed and put in the truck ready to go. Bella's flight was at eight so they would have to leave immediately upon his arrival.

The drive to the airport was full of uncomfortable silence as Bella was in the back sulking and neither Charlie nor Nina wanted to say anything to make her explode, she had caused them enough problems the night before

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The drive to the airport was full of uncomfortable silence as Bella was in the back sulking and neither Charlie nor Nina wanted to say anything to make her explode, she had caused them enough problems the night before. Charlie had informed Bella of the schedule before they left; her flight would take off promptly at eight and take her straight to Jacksonville where her mother would be waiting to pick her up.

They arrived at the airport at seven and began unloading the car. Most of Bella's stuff would be shipped to her, while the rest were bags that could go in the plane with her. Charlie went with her to check in her luggage while Nina remained behind to handle the paperwork to ship all her boxes to Florida. Once her bags were checked Charlie led Bella to the right gate for her plane. Nina had stayed back to allow father and daughter to have a private goodbye.

Bella was about to walk onto the plane without saying a word to Charlie when he stopped her, "Bella," she turned and looked at him, "I just want you to know that I do love you. I know you think I'm being unfair and it seems like I'm out to get you. But I just want what's best for you."

Bella just stared at him for a moment, before walking over and giving him a halfhearted hug, "I know you think you're doing what right. I'm still mad at you for making me leave, but if I didn't hug you goodbye I know I'd regret it. I love you dad."

Charlie squeezed her tighter, "I love you too, Goodbye Bells."

With that they released each other and Bella walked up to the door and handed the flight attendant her ticket. She turned back once more to wave bye to her father then walked onto the airplane.

Once the door was closed Nina walked up to her imprint and placed a comforting had on his shoulder, "I'm sorry Charlie, I know how much you'll miss her. But maybe we can take a trip to see her in a few months. She may have calmed down by then."

Charlie sighed as he watched his daughter's plane drive down the runway and into the sky, but nodded then turned to Nina, "Come on, let's go home." Hand in hand they walked back to their car and made their way home.

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