Chapter 12: The Leeches are back

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Life had calmed down since Bella had been gone; the only one that seemed to suffer from it was Jake, who was severely pissed at both Nina and Charlie for sending her away. But after a while, he too got over it and began to realize that the feeling he had for Bella were not true, but were more out of wanting something that he couldn't have. Jake had asked everyone for forgiveness for being such an ass to them, and was now enjoying the life of a shifter along with all the benefits, such as looking amazingly hot.

Charlie had put his house up for sale, and he and Nina had officially moved in together. And with Nina being the alpha to a pack full of growing young boys, their house had become a center of operations of sorts, there were always house full of kids eating all their food, taking up couch space, hogging the TV, and just being obnoxiously loud.

But Charlie and Nina didn't seem to mind too much. Nina had grown up in a house where there was never ending noise so she was used to it; and Charlie had been on his own for so long, it was nice to have a house filled with racket. He couldn't wait till it was his and Nina's children making their house unbearably loud 24/7.

But the tranquilly of their lives was not to last much longer.

It was closely creeping up on the two month mark of Bella's departure when shit started to hit the fan.

It started out like most days on the Rez did; Nina was in the kitchen with Emily and Kim cooking a huge meal for everyone, while the boys, Charlie, and Billy were sitting in the living room watching the game. Funnily enough, vampire sighting had gone down since Bella left so patrols had calmed down as well. At the moment Paul and Jared were patrolling the perimeter of La Push.

Nina had just pulled dessert out of the oven, when they heard the howl, then everybody was jumping up and rushing out of the house phasing as they went and hauling ass towards their pack mates, Sam stopped long enough to give Emily a kiss, and promised Kim that he would watch out for Jared.

Nina was just about to follow her pack out when Charlie grabbed her, "Please be careful." He whispered, pulling her closer to him. It always terrified him when this happened, he knew she was a big bad wolf shifter, But Nina looked so small and fragile, and Charlie was afraid that one day she wouldn't come back.

Nina gave him an understanding smile and kissed him, "Don't worry, we'll be back soon."

Then she rushed out the door, phased quickly was running to her pack.

"What's going on?" she questioned as soon as their pack mind was linked

Paul answered, "The Cullen leeches are here at the border, they won't leave till they speak with you."

Nina frowned in confusion, "What could they possibly want? How many are there?"

Jared replied this time, "They won't tell us, they were very adamant that they speak to our alpha. All seven are here."

Nina was trying to figure out what they could want, but the only thing that came to mind was that they were here for Bella. It didn't make any sense though; they had left Bella why would they come back.

"Alright, I'm on my way. Jake and Quill, I want you two to go back to the house and protect the imprints, just in case this gets ugly. The rest of you come with me, and no one think about Bella or where she is. I have a feeling that they came back for her." Nina gave the order and the two youngest were quick to obey, turning around and heading back to the house, while the rest made their way to the border.


The Cullen stood side by side right at the edge of Rez territory when Nina, flanked by Sam and Embry, walked into the clearing. Immediately Paul and Jared stood to their feet and also came to stand behind their alpha.

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