Chapter 15

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Aaliyah POV
Kairi is now 1 month she was a very good baby. She only cried when she was hungry or needed to be change. She looked exactly like her dad it doesn't make any sense.
Today shooter was having a bbq at his house we was currently over at his house when the devil himself showed up.
"You can go home if you like" shooter said
"No imma stay I can't keep running forever" I said feeding Kairi a bottle
"Okay well let me know if you need anything sis" he said

I was walking to Kairi's room that she have over here to change her pamper when I felt myself being watch , so I turned around and it was Dave staring at me. I just rolled my eyes and kept walking.

Dave POV
I was at my homie shooter house cause he was having a bbq when I seen Lil shawty that I slept with had a baby. She seen me looking and rolled her eye. I got up and followed her to where ever she was going, she was going to a baby room. I stood behind her while she was about to change the baby paper. Lil mama looked just liked me , when she seen me she started laughing and moving around causing Liyah to look up.
"Why are you here?" She said
"My homie invited me that's why" I said
"Okay but why are you in my baby's room?" She said
"Cut the shit shawt , who baby is that? Is she mine?" I asked
"Yes she is yours but we don't need you. She is doing just fine with out you" she said
"Fuck you mean she don't need me? I'm her daddy right?" I asked
"Yes Dave" she said putting lil mama close back on
"What's her name?" I asked
"Kairi Chanel Brewster" she said
"Can I hold her?" I asked
I can't believe I have a child. I know she is mine because she look just like me.

I couldn't even get mad at her mama for not telling me about her because I did do her dirty

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I couldn't even get mad at her mama for not telling me about her because I did do her dirty. I'm glad she gave her my last name. I walked outside with her and shooter said "I see you found out about my niece"
"You knew about her and didn't tell me?" I said
"It's not Place and if my little sister didn't want me to say nothing then I'm not gone say nothing" he said
"Little sister?"
"Yes we have the same dad" he said
"Ain't Nate your pops?"
"Yes man"
I'm so happy I have daughter. I hate I did her mama the way I did, but imma make it up to her.

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