Chapter 16

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Dave Brewster POV
Right now we was still at shooter house. I had Kairi in my arms while her mama ate.
"Liyah can I get your number so I can see Kairi more" I asked
"Yes Dave, but don't be in and out of my child's life, if you feel like you don't want to do for her or be in her life just let me know straight up" she said
"I promise I'm gone be there for her and you. You don't have to do this by yourself Liyah" I said
"Okay Dave" she said handing me her phone so I can put my number in.
"Me and Kairi about to head out it's getting late and I don't want her out late at night" she said taking Kairi from me
"Okay. Bye daddy baby I'll see you later" I said kissing Kairi check, "call me when y'all make it home, so I know y'all made it home safe"
"I'll text you" she said putting Kairi in the car
I walked to my own car and headed home thinking bout Kairi and Aaliyah. I can't believe I have a daughter, she looks just like me too. Imma be there for Kairi I don't want her growing up without her father.
When I made it home , took a shower and got in bed. Right when I got in bed I got a message from Liyah.

The next morning when I woke up I decided I wanted to take Kairi shopping, so I called Liyah

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The next morning when I woke up I decided I wanted to take Kairi shopping, so I called Liyah.
"Hello" she answered
"Hey, is it okay if I take Kairi shopping, you can come with us if you don't want me by myself with her yet" I said
"Yes you can Dave" she said
"Okay I'll be there in 2 hours , send me your address" I said
After I got off the phone with Liyah I got up and did my morning routine and got in the shower. After I got out the shower I put on a white T-shirt with some sweat pants , I wasn't going to dress all up so I put on something comfortable.

Aaliyah POVAfter I got off the phone with Dave I texted him my address and went to check on Kairi, she was still sleeping so that gave me an opportunity to take a shower real quick

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Aaliyah POV
After I got off the phone with Dave I texted him my address and went to check on Kairi, she was still sleeping so that gave me an opportunity to take a shower real quick. I grabbed the baby monitor that I had in my room and went to the bathroom. I started the shower and got in for 10 minutes. I put on a pink jumpsuit and combed down my hair.

I went and picked up a still sleeping Kairi and laid her on her changing tables and started to wipe her down and change her diaper

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I went and picked up a still sleeping Kairi and laid her on her changing tables and started to wipe her down and change her diaper. Right when I put her diaper own my doorbell rung. I picked kairi up to see who it was. It was Dave , I opened the door to let him in.
"Hey you're here early" I said
"Yeah I decided I'll spend sometime with Kairi before we go" he said
"Oh okay. You hungry?"
"Yes, I'm starving" he said while taking Kairi from me
"Okay well I'm going to go cook something" I said

Dave POV
While Liyah was in the kitchen cooking I was laying back on the couch playing with Kairi.

I loved that little girl so much

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I loved that little girl so much. I would do anything for her. My thoughts was interrupted by Liyah saying the food was ready. I didn't realize that much time had went by. She had cooked Eggs, pancakes, grits and toast. Shawty could cook, I could get used to this.
"While you eat I'll go get Kairi ready" she said taking her from me
20 minutes had past when her and kairi came back down. Kairi was wearing a white onesie with grey leggings. I guess everybody was wearing comfy clothes.
"You ready to go?" I asked
"Yeah let me go get Kairi bag. Her car seat is in my car you can get it out of there" she said
"Okay we will be at the car. Your door unlocked?" I said
"Should be" She said
I went outside and got Kairi's car seat out her mama car and put it in my car and put her in. I made sure she was in safely and waited on Liyah to come out. When she came out I walked to her side and opened the door for her.
"Thank you sir" she said giggling
"You welcome miss" I said

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