Chapter 56

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*I just realized that I had her move to philly when she was pregnant with Kairi, but I been saying They live in Harlem but they don't they live in philly!!!"
*two months later*
Aaliyah POV
Today was dave birthday and we was back in dave old house in Harlem to see Dave old friends and he had a show out here. He brought shooter, Jamie , his parents and the kids out here with us. After we left destin the kids went with Dave parents and we ended up going to the Dominican Republic for two weeks, we had a good time and I got to relax and have time to myself.

We was going out for lunch for Daves birthday. The kids was already dressed and ready I just had to get ready. Kairi had on a pink puma sweatsuit and her navy blue pumas with her hair into two ponytails. Nymarian had on a Jordan suit with his red and white Jordan's and his chain dave got him and his hair in a ponytail.

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Liked by: daveeast & 29,000 others@aaliyahjay: Kairi Chanel & Nymarian Amìr Brewster💙 mommy's heart💙 @daveeast

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Liked by: daveeast & 29,000 others
@aaliyahjay: Kairi Chanel & Nymarian Amìr Brewster💙 mommy's heart💙 @daveeast

@daveeast: daddies world💙🌎🤩

@beautiful__Jamie: teetee babies😍😍😍

After I got ready I went downstairs with dave and the kids. Dave had on a black T-shirt and some true religion jeans with his black and red Jordan's. We packed the kids up and headed to the restaurant we would be eating at. Once we got there we got out.
"How many?" The lady asked
"Uhm we are actually got a room reserved" dave said
"Okay what's the name?" She said
"David Brewster" he said
"Oh okay right this way" she said leading us to the room where everybody was at.
"Finally! I'm at about to starve" Jamie loud ass said
"Girl sit yo fat ahh down we ain't even late" dave said laughing at her. We sat down and dave pulled kairi on his lap and Dave's dad came and got ny from me. Kairi was a grandmas baby and ny was a granddaddy baby. Kairi and dave was so caught up in laughing and talking I decided to take they picture and upload it.

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