Chapter 26

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Aaliyah POV
It's been a couple months since Freaky and Mugga's death. Dave been taking it good he's back to his normal self. My birthday had came two months ago I was now 19 even tho I felt older than that. Next month kairi will be turning one. She's big and growning everyday, but that girl won't walk for nothing. Right now I was signing up for online classes so I can get my salon and start my business. Dave didn't know about my plans but I will tell him soon I know he's going to be happy tho. I finished up with signing up for my classes and I decided to see what Dave and Kairi was doing. I walked downstairs to see him and shooter trying to teach kairi to walk. Right when I hit the bottom of the stairs she took her first steps and stumbled to Dave.
"Oh my god my baby is walking?" I yelled scaring all three of them. Kairi dropped down and started crawling to me.
"No mamas walk to me" I said. Dave came and picked her up so she could walk to me.
"Come to mommy baby , come on" I said moving my hand in a Come on motion. I seen Shooter recording and kairi started walking towards me.
"Keep going baby keep going" Dave said. Once she made it to me I picked her up and hugged her.
"Let's go get ice cream" I told Dave since I was so excited.
"Alright go put her some clothes on" He said I went upstairs to put Kai some clothes on. I put her light colored Jeans on white tank top and her pink Jacket and her pink and white Jordan's I put some moisturizer in her curls and left it curly. I walked downstairs and handed her to Dave. I had on my yellow hoodie and some grey sweats.

We headed to Jo's ice cream shop

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We headed to Jo's ice cream shop. Once we got out I told Dave to let me take him and Kairi picture. I took there picture and headed into the ice cream shop.
"Welcome to Jo's what can I do for you" the lady said when we walked in.
"I would like chocolate" I said
"Strawberry" Dave said
"Cookies and cream" shooter said
"I'll let kairi eat off me" Dave said. I sat down and decided to post Dave and Kai picture on Instagram.

@AALIYAHJAY: my little family💕 she trying to look like daddy @daveeast

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@AALIYAHJAY: my little family💕 she trying to look like daddy @daveeast

@daveeast: my twin💙

@karinjinsui: her face😍

@beauty__jamie: too cuteeee😍💗

@thereal_shooter: bro & niece😍

@keishamarie: they look nothing alike. Ugly ass baby!🙄

@AALIYAHJAY: bitch who tf are you? My baby far from ugly. She look better than yo dusty ass. Don't get yo ass beat hoe! @keishamarie

@daveeast: Keisha don't get to talking reckless. You know what tf is up bitch!! @keishamarie

I looked up at Dave like he was crazy asf!
"Dave who is that bitch that's calling my baby ugly?" I said mad
"Somebody I use to fw" he said
"You still fucking her?" I said
"Didn't I just say fucking use to?" He said getting mad
"Well you keep them hoes in check!" I said
"Man I got this I owe that bitch anyways" he said. I looked at him like he was crazy but let it go until We got home. I took Kairi from out her stroller and wiped her mouth. Dave was letting her eat the ice cream by herself and she was making a mess.
"Shooter were is Jamie?" I said feeding kairi more ice cream
"She at home. She said she wasn't feeling good" he said
"Oh what's wrong with her" I asked
"Idk really. She been like that for a couple days now imma take her to the hospital when I get home" he said
"Okay call me and let me know what they say" I said. We finished eating our icecream and headed home. All I could think about was "who the hell is keisha and what do dave owe her". We mad it home and I went straight to the room to take a nap. I was tired

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