Chapter 22

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Dave POV
It has been almost 3 months since me and Liyah started working on our relationship and her and kairi moving in. I wanted to take her out to ask her to be my girlfriend. So I called up one of my homies and had him set up something for me. Right now me and Kairi was laying in the bed watching tv.

 Right now me and Kairi was laying in the bed watching tv

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Kairi was now 5 months and looking like me more each day. I loved that little girl so much and I love her mama for giving me her. I needed to get up and go to the mall. Liyah was with Jamie and Karin I told them to take her out for the day.
I got up to get Kairi dressed. After getting Kai dressed I sat her up in the bed with pillows surrounding her and turned on the tv. I got dressed in the bathroom and came out to see kairi knocked out. That girl sleep so much we just woke up like an hour ago. I went to her room to get her baby bag and pack everything she needed while we was out. I went back to the room and gently picked her up. She squirmed in my arms then got comfortable. I went out to the truck to put her and her stuff in the car then went and locked up the house. I got into the truck and pulled off towards the mall. Once we got to the mall I got out and went to the trunk to get her stroller I didn't want to carry her while she was sleeping. I put her car seat into the stroller and grabbed her bag. I hit the locks on the truck and headed into the mall. I went to into the jewelry store to get Liyah a promise ring ,a necklace that said Dave and a bust down Rollie. After I payed for her stuff I called Shooter to see if he had everything set up. He told me everything was almost ready. I decided to waste time and went into different baby stores to get Kai stuff. I wanted to take family pictures so I went into the Gucci store and got Liyah and Kai matching Gucci shirts , dresses , headbands and shoes. I went and bought me a couple button down shirts to match they outfits and got me a couple headbands and shoes. I mostly bought Liyah and Kai things tho I wanted to spoil my girls.
Kairi was already spoiled and she knew she could get anything from me already. After spending like 3 hours in the mall I was ready to go. Kairi had slept the whole time and decided to scream at the top of her lungs on the ride home. Once I made it home it was going on 5 o'clock. I got kairi out the car and she had tears all over her face. I kissed her forehead and felt she was burning up. I took her in the house and laid her on the bed and she started crying again. I called Liyah I didn't know what to do
"Hey Dave why my baby screaming like that" she said worried
"Hey baby. You need to come home now" I said
"Okay I'm on my way"
A couple minutes later Liyah was running in.
"Somethings wrong with Kai she burning up and been screaming since we got home" I said shaking my head.
She picked Kairi up and took her to her room. She laid a screaming kairi down and went to her closet to get something.
"Baby I was gone take you on a date tonight but this happened. We gone have to stay in" I said
"It's okay. My baby comes first" she said taking Kairi's temperature
"What it Say?" I asked
"It's 104 Dave we need to take her to the hospital. Was she sick earlier?" She asked
"No Well Idk when we was at the mall she slept the whole time we was there for 3 hours" I said
"She probably wasn't feeling good. Get her bags ready we going to the hospital" she said rocking Kairi
I had finished packing her bag and headed outside. Liyah was walking towards my truck when I remembered her gifts that was in the car.
"We not taking the truck. We taking the Audi" I said
"Whatever Dave" she said getting in the front still holding Kai. She had stopped screaming
"Try to feed her she hasn't eating since this morning" I said
"Why didn't you feed her?" She asked with an attitude
"Because she been sleep all day and lose the attitude " I said
"I don't have one" she said
I just kept driving towards the hospital. Kairi fell asleep on the riding clinging to her mother's shirt. Liyah was just staring at her.
"You okay baby?" I said putting my hand on her thigh
"I just don't like seeing my baby like this" she said about to cry
"Me either. You know she a daddy baby" I said
"Yeah she don't like hanging with me" She said
"Look at her now. I couldn't get her to stop crying for nothing but she sleeping peaceful with you" I said low key salty
"Yeah its a mommy thing I guess" she said rubbing kairi wild curls out her face
We had pulled up to the hospital. I took kairi from Liyah and let her get the bags. When we walked in a seen it was crowded. Liyah had went to sign Kairi in while I sat down. This was kairi first time being sick like this and with us being first time parents we were scared.
Two hours had passed and we was still waiting they had called everybody back all ready. Kairi had woke up screaming again but this time nothing could calm her down she didn't want to eat and she didn't want her binky.
"Liyah she already got a fever maybe we should take that shirt off" I said
"Okay" She began to take her shirt off when Kai threw up.
"Man I'm finna go see what's taking so long" I said getting mad. When Liyah seen me getting mad she stood up
"Baby don't go up there mad that's not going to get us nowhere" she said then kissed my lips making me smile
I walked up to the desk.
"Excuse me" I said. The girl just looked at me and went me back to what ever she was doing on that damn computer
"Excuse me" I said getting mad
"What" She said we with an attitude. I bit my tongue for the sake of my child
"We been here for the past two hours and my child is extremely sick. What's taking so long?" I said
"What's the last name?" She said still with and attitude
"Brewster" I said
"They been skipping you" She said looking at the clipboard
"WHAT" I shouted I guess Liyah heard me cause she walked over with a naked Kairi she had on nothing but her diaper. Her fever was getting worse
"What's going on?" Liyah said
"They been skipping her" I said mad
"I'm sorry sir but you will be next I promise" the girl said
"Whatever man. Ian paying for this shit either y'all need to do better man" I said still mad
"Come on Baby" Liyah said grabbing my arms I took kairi from Liyah and started walking around lowly singing to her. She like when I do that. She started giggling trying to reach for my lips
"You can't have my lips mama" I said kissing her forehead
"Kairi brewster" one of them slow ass nurses called. I walked over and helped Liyah get her things. We followed the nurse back to the room and she told us the doctor would be in shortly.

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