Chapter 49

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Aaliyah POV
*5 months later*
I'm currently 9 months pregnant with a healthy baby boy. Dave was so happy when we found we was having a boy. Im 4 days past my due date I can go into labor at anytime now.

We had the baby shower on the beach. I let Jamie and shooter plan it and it looked absolutely amazing. As you can see I was going for another girl.

Me Dave and kairi was sitting in the bed watching movies when I started having stomach pains

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Me Dave and kairi was sitting in the bed watching movies when I started having stomach pains. I let Dave rub my stomach for a bit and ended up falling asleep after the pain went away.
"Bae wake up you peed on yourself man" he said shaking me
"I didn't pee on myself boy my water broke" I said slowly getting up to change clothes.
"Frl?"he said
"Yes David dang" i said After I changed clothes I got the baby bag and headed downstairs with Dave and kairi right behind me. Dave was on the phone with I'm guessing his mama.
"Aye ma Liyah going into labor can you come to the hospital to get Kai?" He said
We made it to the car and headed towards the hospital when I started having real bad contractions. My contractions with kairi was bad but not as bad as these.

We made it to the hospital and Dave ran in to get a wheelchair. He came back out with the nurses and they helped me get situated while dave parked the car and got kairi out. The nurses placed me in a room and hooked me up to the monitors. Dave, kairi, and his mama came into the room right when they finished hooking me up.
"What they saying?" Dave said
"Nothing he's good they checked his heart rate and said it's where it's needed to be" I said
"How long you think you gone be in labor?" Dave asked
"Idk it depends on how much I'm dilated" i said holding a sleeping kairi
"Hey mama" I said
"Hey baby how you feeling" she said rubbing my hair
"I'm fine for now" I said laughing
"Yeah for now" she said laughing along with me
"Hey Dave call Jamie and shooter" I said
"Alright Love"

Dave POV
I was calm on the outside but on the inside I was freaking out. This was my first time going through this since I missed the birth of kairi. I called shooter and let him now that Liyah was in labor and he said he will be up here in a few. I went and stood by Liyah and held her hand since she was having another contraction.
"I don't remember this being this painful. Kairi didn't hurt me as much as he hurting me" she said squeezing my hand. The doctor came in to see how far Liyah was dilated. She was only 2 cm so this was going to be a long night.
*14 hours later*
14 hours of labor and my son was finally here. 

Nymarian Amír Brewster                   (Ni- mar-Ian)Born: November 18th , 2018

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Nymarian Amír Brewster                   (Ni- mar-Ian)
Born: November 18th , 2018

When Liyah was pushing him out I damn near passed out. I been holding him since he got here and Liyah was made she said I was being stingy with him.

*i know that's kairi but use your imagination😂*

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*i know that's kairi but use your imagination😂*

I finally let Liyah hold him because I was getting sleepy since I been up all night and morning. Jamie and shooter took kairi with them for the night but she would be staying with my mama for a couple days after Liyah and Ny get out the hospital. Not for long tho just so Liyah and I can get ny settled in. I wonder how kairi going to act with having a little brother. She haven't seen the baby yet because she was sleep the whole time and a couple hours before he came Jamie took her home. My mama was inlove with her grandson just like she loved kairi.

The nurses came to get nymarian to take him to the nursery so Liyah could sleep. Liyah wanted me to get in that little ass bed with her. We got comfortable and went into a much needed sleep since neither one of us would be getting any sleep when ny comes home.

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