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Connor seems anxious, he's pacing back and forth in my living room.

"Connor? You okay?" I ask softly, placing a hand on his arm which startles him.

"Huh? Uh-yeah I'm fine thanks Anna," Connor stutters, his voice trembling like never before.

"Connor, your voice, it's nervous, it's scared, you're worried," I say as Connor turns away from me.

Connor ignores my last statement. I grab his hand to turn him to me to get him to talk to me.

"Connor!" I say.

Connor stops to look me in the eyes, his LED flashing yellow.

"Fine, it's Hank, he isn't answering any calls," Connor says.

"Have you called the precinct?" I question.

"Yes. They said he wasn't there, it's 10 pm anna, where could he be? We need him for our next case!" Connor says stressed.

"Wait here for a second," I say softly rushing to my room.

I grab my jacket quickly and chuck some shoes on, while also grabbing my phone, wallet, car keys and anything else I need.

"Right Connor, lets go," I say swinging my car keys around my finger.

Connor's head snaps to me and he quickly walks out the door, me following behind after leaving a note for Alexander and locking the door.


"Anna, you sure he's here? It's the fifth bar of the night," Connor says, stressed.

"Yes he's always here if not anywhere else," I say confidently.

I look to Connor who looks stressed but also seems to find comfort in my confidence.

I smile and get out of the car, walking into Jimmy's bar, head held high and ready to get Hank off his lazy ass.

"Hank Anderson," I say loudly and everyone's eyes fall onto me and Connor.

Silence falls over the bar as all the men look me up and down multiple times before speaking. 


"Fuckin Android."


"Damn giiirlll."

"Baby girl."

"Fuck off android!"

"What's the Android doing here?"

"What the fuck do you want!"

The final voice I recognise. Or at least I can try to recognise through the wolf whistles and swearing.

"Lieutenant Anderson, we are here to collect you for a new case at the Eden Club," Connor says stepping forward.

"Ugh for fucks sake Connor, let me be," Hank groans and goes back to sulking and drinking.

Connor is now stood in front of me, blocking me from Hank's view so he doesn't realise I'm here.

"Hank, don't be a lazy asshole and get your ass up and get a move on so that we can get this case over and done with as soon as possible," I say peering around Connor and approaching Hank, death glaring him.

"Pretty girl's got an attitude."

"Damn honey."

"Yes baby girl you tell him!"



"Shut the fuck up!" I turn around and shout to the boys in the bar.

They don't shut up and continue to shout and in fact it didn't help, it did the opposite effect.

I flip the noisey boys off.

"Look Hank, I know you don't want to be part of this but it's either this or you get reported," I say sternly, grabbing Hank's coat to get his attention.

I feel Connor move and stand protectively behind me as guys move around us.

"I don't fucking care!" Hank shouts in my face.

"Well you should!" I shout back.

"But I don't!"

"Fucks sake Hank," I mutter and let go of Hank and stand up right, my back against Connor's chest.

I feel Connor place a hand on my shoulder. My head falls to look at my feet.

"You know what Hank?" I say quietly.


"I don't fucking care anymore, you've ruined my life and I couldn't care less about you and your choices anymore! I'll take over your position with the case if I have to, if you don't come with us!" I snap.

Hank stays silent and I finally look up, tears falling down my cheek and I look Hank in the eyes. He realises what he's done.

Hank opens his mouth to talk but I shake my head, tears still falling and I run out the front door and to my car, to wait for Connor.

Connor just stands there for a solid 5 minutes, shocked at what happened. Meanwhile I'm sitting in the drivers seat, in a ball, bawling my eyes out.

Third Person POV

"Lieutenant, if you don't mind me asking, what happened between you and Anna for her to react like that?" Connor asks.

Hank ignores Connor the first time.


"Y'know what Connor? I don't give a shit, tell Anna that she can take over the case," Hank says.

"You didn't answer my question," Connor replies.

"I don't give a fuck about your fucking question now leave before I rip you to shreds," Hank says, toxin dripping from his words, poison falling from his teeth.

Connor nods and walks out of the bar quickly, approaching the car where Anna has finally stopped crying but still has red blood shot eyes and a red nose.

Connor gets into the car and they both just sit there quietly. No one speaking a word.

Anna's POV.

Connor gets into my car and we sit in silence, not a word is exchanged.

I get my shit together after a few  minutes and start the car, beginning to drive off.

"You sure you want to continue?" Connor asks.

"Yes, it is my job isn't it?" I say laughing lightly, focusing on the road.

"I guess."

I smile, taking a glance at Connor before looking back to the road.


I pull up to the sex club and park the car, breathing before getting out the car.

"This looks like the right place," I say awkwardly.

Connor nods and we walk in, sex androids, everywhere.

I see Connor looking at one of the females, dancing around a pole and watch him for a moment, softly giggling.

I touch Connor's shoulder and he turns to look at me.

"You good? Cause we have a job to do buddy," I joke, tapping his shoulder lightly.

"Y-yeah, right, sorry," Connor says following me.



:P I liked the idea of drama and thought why not make it between Hank and Anna.

Curious and Infatuated // Connor [Detroit: Become Human] - OC!! Where stories live. Discover now