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You are my guiding Angel Adriana.

I love you and will never leave you.

The memories and flashbacks of my father are getting closer together and are getting longer, with each memory comes a jab to the heart.

Connor and Hank have noticed me zone out for a few seconds but come back with a hand over my heart and tears in my eyes.

They both ask me what's wrong but I never tell them, I don't want to worry them.

"Anna tell us what's happening," Hank says softly as he places a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"I-I can't."

"Please, you are having these every hour now and we are getting seriously worried," Hank says. "It's like you're making reports to CyberLife like Connor does every so often."

Hank tries to get me to laugh but it doesn't work very well.

I stare at Hank blankly who just nods in acceptance that I wasn't going to laugh.

"Anna you always seem sad and heartbroken after these weird happenings, is it something about a case of ours?" Connor butts in.

I nod slowly.

Hank's eyes widen as he looks from Connor to me and back again.

"Is it something about your father?" Connor asks me.

"When did Connor find out?" Hank asks.

I ignore Hank and nod slowly in response to Connor.

"Was there something he did, something he said or something in his apartment that causes this?" Connor asks me.

"Yeah, he said things to me and made promises and that's what I'm remembering," I say softly.

My eyes are glued to the ground and I feel like I physically can't look up.

"You're having what you humans call flashbacks," Connor says.

"Yeah, I'm remembering memories of promises he made me and earlier was a line he wrote in the letter that he used to say to me every night and everyday when I went to school," I mutter.

"What was that line?" Connor asks me as he crouches down in front of me to get me to look at him.

"You are my guiding Angel Adriana," I murmur.

As I say those words the ghost of him appears and disappears quickly, my head shoots backwards on the seat and I fly backwards hitting the desk behind me.

"Anna?" Hank and Connor ask at the same time.

"I'm okay," I say quietly, still in shock.

"What happened."

"There was a ghost, my dad, he was there for a split second but he was hugging someone, presumably me as a small child but he also had a knife in one of his hands that was behind my back, the ghost looked directly at me and gave me the weirdest smile," I explain, my hands shaking.

"Hey, it's going to be okay," Connor whispers grabbing my hand.

I shake my head no.

"Connor, I'm scared," I say looking Connor directly in his eyes.

Hank looks at me confused, he knows I never get scared about paranormal things.

"That's normal, you're only a bit shaken up, that's all," Connor says calmly.

"No Connor, this isn't normal, Anna never gets scared by ghosts, this is different," Hank says approaching me.

I watch Hank as he now crouches in front of me.

Curious and Infatuated // Connor [Detroit: Become Human] - OC!! Where stories live. Discover now