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I pull up to my place, I stayed the night at the station as I was still working on who is associated with the AX400 known as Kara. So I've barely had any sleep and today Elijah is coming to help fix my house.

"I found that Markus is associated with the AX400 that is known as Kara, but he also knows of the place called Jericho, which is essentially Android heaven, Markus himself has a few people involved with him as well, I don't know who they are but it could very well be them who trashed my place," I say on the phone to Connor and Hank.

I walk towards my house and see Elijah leaning against my front door, I smile at the man and quickly finish my call with the boys.

"Morning," I speak softly.

Elijah looks at my bags under my eyes and sighs softly as I unlock my front door, even though my lock is pretty much busted.

"You didn't sleep last night," Elijah says to me sternly.

"Course I didn't, I was busy working," I reply as I place my keys and phone down on my coffee table.

"You sure you want to do this today then?" Elijah asks me, his voice full with worry.

"Of course, better get it over and done with," I reply happily.

Elijah shrugs and accepts my determination.

"This will take a while though, why don't you stay at my place for a while?" Elijah offers.

"I met you literally yesterday," I say as I stop in my tracks and turn to him.

"Yeah, And?" Elijah says.

I scoff and turn around to walk to my room, Elijah following suit.

"I don't stay at peoples places a day after I met them, even if I'm dating them," I say as I walk into my room.

"I'm trying to look out for you," Elijah says as he looks around my bedroom.

"Yeah well I have an android doing that - Connor," I reply starting to clean the mess as does Elijah.

"Adriana, please," Elijah begs.

"You've resorted to begging now?" I scoff.

Elijah shrugs as he grabs a rubbish bag.

"Wow that's a new low, but fine I guess I'll stay with you," I say giving in to the puppy dog eyes Elijah is giving me.

Elijah does a happy dance as he picks up broken glass.

"Don't always expect this though," I add.

"Course not," Elijah replies smirking at me.

God he's good looking when he does that.

I shake my thoughts away and continue to clean my torn clothes. I stop for a quick minute to tie my long hair into its usual high pony tail.

I feel Elijah watch me do this, of course he would though, every guy does.

"Y'know you aren't that much different from other guys to be honest," I say out of the blue.

"What do you mean?"

"You checked me out yesterday, you watched me put my hair up and you've been staring at my ass in these leggings, you've also been flirting with me," I say as I list the things he's done within the past 24 hours.

I hear Elijah try to justify himself as I continue to pick up bits of fabric.

"Wanna know what's different about you and why I'm not kicking your ass right now?" I speak up.

"What, how am I different?" Elijah asks me, as he watches what I do.

"You're good looking," I spurt out.

Elijah takes a second to respond but I can tell he's blushing.

"T-Thanks," Elijah stutters.

Elijah never stutters so I can tell I've got him in my grasp. He's trapped around my finger.

"The only other guy I've admitted was good looking, was my co-worker and common asshole, Gavin Reed, we were only together for a few weeks before he fell for my roommate," I explain.

I pick up the final piece of my clothes and sigh softly.

There goes my entire closet. And at what cost?

Elijah stays silent as I take the bag of fabric outside and place it on my porch with a nearly tied knot. I enter my house again, trying not to pass out and Elijah sees this.

"Let me get you a cup of coffee," Elijah says as he leads me to the couch where he sits me down.

"No, I'm fine," I insist but Elijah keeps me down on the couch.

I give up and let Elijah make me a cup of coffee while I rest my eyes a little bit. A few minutes later Elijah hands me a coffee and starts speaking.

"While you rest and drink that I'll finish cleaning and then we can do furniture and windows when you're a bit more energised, how does that sound?" Elijah offers.

"I have no choice in the matter do I?"


Elijah puffs out his chest in pride and I smile, hitting his leg as if to say go clean. Elijah laughs at my antics and heads off to finish my room and move onto Lilly's room while I drink my coffee.

I turn on the T.V to see the start of the revolution has begun, with the deviants that crashed my house on the news for ruining CyberLife stores across the country.

"Lij? Come here!" I call out.

Elijah rushes back into the lounge room and sees the T.V and sighs.

I call Connor and Hank quickly as I tell them to check the news.

"Shit Anna that's who broke in," I hear Connor say.

"I know, the revolution has begun," I say staring at the T.V.

I hang up the phone after getting over the initial shock about the revolution and Elijah has now gone to hurry the cleaning so we can get my house fixed quickly, while Elijah does that I call someone to come fix my windows as I finish my coffee.


The window man finishes replacing my windows with almost unbreakable ones and he leaves at 9pm, I fall onto the couch with Elijah after the window person leaves.

"This is going fantastic, the revolution is beginning," I say obviously stressed.

"Well just know you'll be safe with me," Elijah says as he picks up my things, including me and takes me to his car.

"Haha, thanks Lij," I say as Elijah smiles at the nickname I've given him. "Now to be frank, I'm not gonna date you because I don't want relationships to get in the way of me trying to stay alive okay?"

"Got it."

I turn on the radio softly as I fall asleep on the car ride to Elijah's place. By the time we get to Elijah's place I'm still asleep so he carries me to the spare bedroom and let's me sleep in there as he returns to his own bedroom to sleep as well.

This will be nearing the end soon I'm pretty sure. I just need to watch the revolution part of DBH and write it but just a warning.

Curious and Infatuated // Connor [Detroit: Become Human] - OC!! Where stories live. Discover now