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"Right so what is this new case?" I ask as I hop in the passengers seat next to Hank with Connor in the back.

I pull my hair that's in its normal high pony tail over my right shoulder while I wait for an answer.

"It's about a man who was murdered in his city apartment by his own android, AX350 model," Connor inputs.

"Okay interesting, I'm glad to be going to the city," I say smiling.

Hank smiles as well and I turn on the radio softly.


Hank pulls into the nearest car parking spot and we all get out, Connor helping me to make sure I don't fall over.

I have my hand on my gun, ready for whatever could come at us. Connor is behind me and Hank is in front of me, Connor scans the situation while we all walk into the apartment, SWAT members everywhere.

I pull my hand away from my gun and relax once I see all the SWAT members who have the area on lock down.

"Lieutenant Jane and Lieutenant Anderson, lovely to see you two, we needed someone to help us with this, it's all too weird we can't quite understand it, there's a letter addressed to Adriana, the way the letter is written is like he was writing to his daughter," The cop says.

I freeze up, and stop in my tracks, letting Connor and Hank pass me.

I take a look at the apartment, it's a mess, furniture everywhere, blue blood and real blood splattered all over the place. Most definitely a deviant Android had caused some havoc.

I approach the officer who informed us of the letter and gently tap their shoulder to get their attention.

"Hey, um excuse me? Do you think I can read that letter?" I ask softly.

"Of course darling, here it is," the officer says handing me the letter in a plastic bag.

I give a nod and smile and go to read it in a quiet place.

Adriana, Adri,

My baby girl, I love you so so much.
If you ever find this letter just know that I regret leaving you, your brother and your mother. I hope you are doing well because I miss you.
My Android, Alexandra, I named her after you and Alex.
She has gone rogue, deviant in fact, she's tearing the place to shreds, she's got a gun. I'm afraid Adri. I hope you find this letter and know how much I loved you and how much I will always love you. I know you work at the Precinct, hopefully you'll get here just in time. But if not then you'll find this letter. I heard you got promoted to Lieutenant, well done baby girl. I love you so much and miss you so so much. I wish you all the best in your life Adri and hope to see you sometime soon wherever that may be. I visited you in hospital, you wouldn't know that though. And don't forget, You are my guiding Angel Adriana.

Lots of love, 

- Jason Richards.

I feel tears fall from my eyes and onto the bag that contains the letter. I see the blood on the corner of the letter, knowing that the victim must have died after finishing writing the letter. I stand there, in shock, this case was my fathers.

I put the letter to my heart and walk around the apartment, tears falling down my cheeks. I find the room with the most blood on the door and it also is the messiest. I slowly push open the door, knowing what to expect. I carefully enter the room and look around, seeing the dead body of my father.

"Dad," I manage to whimper out.

I stand against the opposite wall to where my father was lying, the letter on my chest, my eyes producing more tears than they could ever produce and whimpers coming from my mouth. My vision gets blurry from all the tears and I decide I needed to leave.

I leave the room and place the letter on the kitchen bench, looking at Connor and Hank and signalling that I'm going outside, they both nod and I rush outside into the street.

"How could this happen to me, only me," I cry.

Fucks sake this sucks.

I take a seat on the curb of the busy street, watching the cars speed by.

I sit there in silence with my own thoughts and my own noises of crying for minutes on end. It feels like hours but it's only about five minutes. I hear footsteps come from behind me. I don't bother to turn around.

"Anna?" I hear a soft voice ask.

"Go away, I don't want to talk, I just want to back to the precinct, pick up Alexander and go home and cry," I snap.

"Anna, please let me talk to you," the voice asks again, only with a more gruff tone.

I recognise the voice anywhere, it's Hank's.

"Please don't, I don't want to talk about it," I say as I see Hank sit next to me.

"But I do."

I sit in silence and don't reply.


"I saw the way you reacted to this death, it's effected you badly, how come?" Hank asks me directly.

"I'd rather not talk about it," I reply bluntly.

"But you're obviously hurting, I know your actions," Hank says.

I remain silent.

"Okay look, I'm sorry for being so rude and dickish towards you and I regret that but I was wondering if we could restart? I know how hard it's been for you with the death of Cole, the abandonment of your mother and this accident, but please can we be friends again?" Hank says quietly.

I look at Hank, tears staining my face, and smile softly.

"Yes we can," I reply softly, nodding.

Hank smiles in return.

"Now tell me what's wrong," Hank says seriously.

"Fine, it's Jason, Jason Richards, he... he was my father..." I say, breaking the silence.

Saying those words myself hurt like hell, it felt like the words were stinging my tongue. I couldn't believe what I was saying.

"What?" Hank says in disbelief.

I sit there in silence.

"Jason Richards, the guy who was murdered by an AX350 was your father?" Hank recalls.

I nod slowly.

"Anna, I-I didn't realise, I'm so sorry," Hank says softly.

"No, no it's fine, it was going to happen one day, I guess I now have to face the facts and continue this case," I say standing up.

"Anna, you are traumatised, you can't continue," Hank says.

"Hank, I've missed almost more than two weeks worth of work I can miss any more, this was always going to happen to one of us, a case on our own loved ones," I say walking back to the apartment.

"I know, but you need to recover," Hank says.

"Hank I'm fine, my job is the most important thing right now," I say.

"At least let's get you cleaned up so you don't look like you've been drowned in a pool okay?" Hank jokes as he takes my hand and takes me to the closest bar's bathroom.

I take one good look at myself in the mirror and laugh.

"I look like I've been in the rain for five hours," I laugh.

Hank laughs as well as I wash my face and re-tie my pony tail.

"Right let's go," I say, my pony tail flicking backwards and almost hitting Hank's face.

Hank nods and we return to the apartment. 


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