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I walk into the precinct in my uniform for the first time in a week. It's been a very boring week being stuck at Hank's house with an Android who doesn't wanna go deviant.

"Lookie here, the dame is back," Gavin announces.

I don't give a snarky remark which confuses the hell out of Gavin, so much that he follows me to my desk asking me questions.

"Why are you ignoring me?" Gavin asks.

"Because Gavin, some people deserve a second chance, you've said some pretty shitty stuff but I've decided to be 'friends' with you to see if you can actually be nice," I say, finger quoting friends.

I'm unsure about how long this act will last but one can only hope.

Hank stares at me with troubled eyes, he's telling me it's a bad idea but I just shrug towards him.

Gavin takes the opportunity to come sit opposite me at my desk, which is slightly weird as he is conveniently sat right in Connor's direct line of sight to me.

"So, how are you?" Gavin asks.

"I'm good, how about you?" I reply, trying to continue the small talk.

"Yeah good, the office was quiet without you," Gavin says.

Gavin winks at me when I look at him, which I reply with a smile.

Hank is watching the whole thing play out and is absolutely confused.

Gavin and I continue to talk while I work, it honestly was nice, I did see Hank talk to Connor for a bit and Hank kept glancing at me and reporting back positive things. Connor still cares but as a friend, he has good intentions and apparently so does Gavin.

"Look Gav, this conversation has been wonderful but you really need to get to work," I say stopping my work and looking at Gavin who complies and goes back to his desk.

"Anna what the fuck was that about??" Hank questions.

"I dunno, I'm done with picking fights with Gavin, but I will pick fights with him if he says the wrong thing or if his sister is here," I say, shivering at the mention of Clarity Reed.

Hank shrugs and returns to his work, meanwhile Gavin keeps looking over at me for short amounts of time.

I ignore Gavin and finish my work that I was doing, by the time lunch time comes around. I sit back in my chair and look at Connor for a bit who playfully sticks his tongue out at me when he notices me.

"Connooooorrrrrr," I playfully whine.

Connor looks at me before sliding his chair over to come talk to me.

"Hello Anna," Connor says shooting me a friendly smile.

"I'm bored," I complain as I lean on my desk.

Connor stares at me blankly, confused as to why I might be bored.

"Can we go somewhere?" I ask quickly, looking to both Connor and Hank.

"Sure let's go," Hank says immediately.

I smile at Hank and stand up, grabbing my jacket before gently touching Connor's shoulder to tell him we are going.

"Right, I'm coming," Connor says as he puts his chair away and follows Hank and I.

I walk past Gavin, who is still staring at me, I shoot Gavin a quick smile which he gladly returns as I leave the precinct.

All three of us walk towards a small cafe that's quite close to headquarters. A young girl greets us and tells us to sit wherever, so we all take a sit inside at the window.

The cafe is nice, it's warm due to the fire that's going, it's got pretty interior and all the staff are lovely.

"Ah good afternoon, what would you like to eat and drink?" A voice comes from behind me.

I turn around and see a teenager, about 17 giving us a bright smile, they look happy to be working here.

"I would like a hot chocolate, with a toasted sandwich please," I say giving the teen a smile.

"That sounds good, I'll have the same but with a coffee instead thanks," Hank says nicely.

"I'm fine thank you," I hear Connor say.

"Cool, they will be out shortly," The teenager says as they saunter back to their station.

"So, Gavin," Hank says staring directly at me.

"What about him?" I question.

"Why are you being so nice to him?" Hank asks me.

"Dunno, just thought I should see if I can actually be nice to him for a change, but if he says one wrong thing I will lose all respect for him," I explain.

"Sure sure, you like him don't ya?" Hank questions.

I am taken aback by what Hank said.

"No! He's into me, yeah, but it's not vice versa," I say, stumbling over my words.

"Mhm, I don't believe you Anna, I've seen the way you act to people when you like them, this is the perfect example," Hank says.

"I've shown no signs of interest to Gavin!"

"Yeah you have, you're nice to someone who you're normally rude to, you did this when the new guy arrived, same attitude as Gavin and you turned suddenly nice to him, then you went on to date him for a few weeks before he left the country," Hank explains.

I start to blush bright red as I think about what happened that year, it wasn't my best year to be honest.

"Ok that was one example!" I defend.

"Annnnd it's happening again," Hank relies as he glares at me playfully.

I look shocked, cheeks bright red and my mouth open slightly.

"Hey I'm just kidding kid, you can date the guy if you want, I just want you to be safe," Hank says playfully pushing my arm.

I take a sigh of relief knowing that Hank cares for my safety.

"But it's super obvious that he's lovestruck for you," Hank adds in.

"HANK!" I exclaim. "Yeah you're right, he's not the most subtle about it."

Hank laughs at my comment and our food and drinks arrive.

I look at Connor who is looking from Hank to me and back again.

"Connor you okay? You look lost," I say waving my hand in front of Connor who looks at me and smiles.

"I'm good, thanks Anna, just zoning out," Connor says as I shrug and start to eat lunch.



this is a couple days late, I know, I forgot bout it cause of school, also I haven't proof read it so if there are any mistakes pls point them out in the comments. thanks

arrow xoxo

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