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My phone doesn't stop buzzing for hours on end due to Gavin trying to apologise. By the fifth hour of calls I block his number and sit with Alice and Lilly on my couch as we watch the news.

"More cases of deviancy are occurring, they are not a national threat as of yet but the cases are becoming more regular so I urge you to get your androids checked as soon as possible, we can't have anyone else die."

I sigh knowing that I'll be at the office 24/7 from now on.

"Anna? What's wrong?" Alice asks me.

I look down at Alice and look at her brown pleading eyes, she almost seems heartbroken that I'm upset. It's as if she knows what's happening without me saying a word. I look up to Lilly and she gives me a reassuring smile.

"Alice, I'm going to be at the station a lot now that these androids are going Deviant so Lilly will look after you, since Alexander is working as well and is only home on weekends and I can't look after you, I'm so sorry Alice," I say hugging Alice tightly.

Alice returns the warm hug and we sit there for a couple minutes before my phone goes off and Lilly reads it. 

"Annie, I have been asked to move to where my work is situated and i have to agree, it's honestly too hard for me to keep driving here and back home. I hope you understand, I'll see you sometime soon, lots of love Alexander," Lilly reads as Alice parts from our hug.

"Well since Xander is moving out, Lilly is the only one to look after you," I say, tears pricking my eyes.

As tears slowly start to fall my work radio goes off.

"AJR ready to respond," I say, grabbing my jacket, keys and phone.

I kiss Alice's head and give Lilly a quick hug as I walk out the door.

"Deviancy case, 175 smith road, greater Detroit area, code 3," The Officer on the end of the line says.

"On my way, be there in about ten minutes," I reply.

"Over and out."

I drive as fast as I can, my sirens blaring, people moving out of my way as fast as they can.

Ten minutes later I run inside the building, gun at the ready and I am greeted by Connor and Hank at the entrance to a living room.

"There was a call to the police by an Android and we suspect that this could be the start of a deviant case," Connor briefly explains as we bust into the living room.

No one in sight and I lower my gun slightly, but still keep it raised.

Hank and Connor investigate the room when I see a cloth door leading to what I presume is a studio.

"Hank! Con! Over here!" I whisper shout as I nod towards the door.

Hank leads us into the studio and we see a Tall and Slender Android and a human of a similar stature who points the blame to the Android for the 'death' of... Carl Manfred. The famous Detroit painter.

"Hank don't shoot yet!" I say quickly as I take in what's happening.

I pull my handcuffs out of my pocket and hand cuff both the Android and the human and lead them to my car. Both of the men sit in the back of my car as I lock it and return to Hank and Connor who are calling an ambulance to help Carl. I walk over to him and start to help him sit up slightly, just to make sure that he's okay. I'm holding his arm and back and he has a solid grasp on my forearm, we exchange eye contact and a smile.

"Thank you lovely," Carl says, struggling to breathe slightly.

"Well, I'm just doing my job and it happened to lead me here," I joke with a chuckle.

Curious and Infatuated // Connor [Detroit: Become Human] - OC!! Where stories live. Discover now