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Today is the final day of being in hospital, I've picked up my walking, running and jumping skills very quickly. It's only been about five days and I'm almost ready to leave.

I walk with Sapphire back to my room to pack my things up.

"So you will still need to have someone next to you in case you fall over which could happen once or twice and try to avoid situations where you need to run quickly for about two to three days," Sapphire says smiling at me.

"Thanks Soph, it's been lovely," I say as I grab my bags.

Alexander is sitting in my room and has some of my stuff that is too heavy for me to carry.

"Of course, anytime and if you ever want to come visit just ask for me," Sapphire says.

I smile and hug the nurse as she returns the hug.

"Thanks again so much, goodbye Sapphire," I say leaving my room.

"Goodbye Anna."


"Finally out of there," I say to Alexander, who is driving until I relearn that as well.

"Yay, almost two weeks later and you are back at work, that's what I call a speedy recovery," Alexander says smiling.

I nod and laugh as I put on some music to fill the void as Alexander drives me back to the police station.

Alexander is coming with me to work for a few days just so I'm safe alongside Connor and Lieutenant Anderson.

Oh and Gavin....

I get out of the car and walk inside the precinct, Alexander by my side.

"Hello Miss Jane, lovely to see you again," The receptionist says.

"Yes it's wonderful to be back," I reply as I go through the glass doors.

"This place is coooool," Alexander says looking around.

"Xander, you're such a child," I say playfully pushing Alexander.

"Gaaaaaviiiiiinnnnnnn," I hear a high pitched voice whine.

"Yes Clarity?" Gavin asks.

"Clarity?" Alexander and I question as we look to one another.

"Where's robocop?" the girl who's name is Clarity, asks.


"He's on a mission he'll be back soon," Gavin says.

"Gavin, who's this?" I ask sternly.

The girl looks about 21, so not much younger than Gavin.

"This is my younger sister, Clarity Reed, Clars, this is Anna, the detective almost lieutenant who works with Connor," Gavin explains as he points to the girl next to him.

Alexander is standing to the right of me, but slightly behind my right shoulder.

"Hi," Alexander and I say awkwardly.

"This is Alexander, my twin brother," I say pointing to Alexander.

She looks identical to Gavin... god she's going to be so annoying isn't she?

"Hey Alex," Clarity flirts.

Alexander softly touches my back in reference to wanting to leave.

"Well lovely meeting you but I have to do work rather than sit around and do nothing," I say glaring at Gavin.

"So that's Anna, the bitch you always talk about?" Clarity outright says.

I ignore that statement and walk to my desk.

"CLARITY!" I hear Gavin shout.

I softly laugh at the two of them and watch Alexander pull up a chair.

"Wait, Anna, is that a prosthetic leg I see?" Gavin asks as he passes my desk.

"Yes it is Gavin, it's better to hit you over the head with," I say.

Gavin would retract his statement if he could.

"CONNIEEEEE!" I hear Clarity shout.

What the fuck?

I turn around immediately and see Connor and Hank walk through the door, both of them disgusted by the child adult. Connor regrets walking in the front door as Clarity hugs him tightly, placing light kisses all over his face.

I get up from my desk and wander over to Hank and Connor with Alexander behind me.

"Nice to see you Lieutenant," Hank says to me.

"I'm a detective?" I question.

"No you are a Lieutenant as well, you got promoted while you were in hospital," Hank says.

I shrug and smile.

"Hey Connor," I say looking at the Android who has a 21 year old female attached to him.

"Hi Anna," Connor says smiling.

Hank's eyes go down my body and to my leg.

"You-" Hank begins.

"Yes I did Hank," I say smiling at him.

I put my leg up against the wall next to me, rolling my pant leg up and let Hank look at it.

"That was definitely a car accident then," Hank jokes.


I see Connor staring at me, his jaw dropped due to my flexibility.

"Connor stop staring," Hank says clicking his fingers in front of Connor's face as I put my leg down.

"S-sorry Lieutenants," Connor says.

Clarity is literally hanging off of Connor at this point, he is struggling to walk.

Hank and I walk over to his desk, while Alexander and Connor have a discussion about god knows what.

"What have I missed?" I ask leaning forward on Hank's desk.

"Not much actually."

"Anna, help please!" I hear Connor shout.

I turn around to see Clarity now hanging off of Connor from around his neck.

I walk over, Clarity screaming 'no' and rip her off of the Android. She is kicking and screaming and I take her back to her older brother, Gavin.

"Take this Gavin, we don't want it," I say referring to Clarity like Gavin would, an android.

I return to Connor, Alexander and Hank and they are all smiling widely at me.


"We just got a new case!" Connor says excitedly.

I smile largely and grab my jacket, following Hank and Connor.

"Xander i'm sorry you can't come you have to stay here, I'll be fine I've got Connor.. and hank," I say placing a reassuring hand on Alexander's shoulder.

Alexander nods and I swiftly walk to catch up to my partners.


Curious and Infatuated // Connor [Detroit: Become Human] - OC!! Where stories live. Discover now