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"Lieutenant Jane, have you seen Lieutenant Anderson anywhere?" Connor asks me.

I shake my head no and Connor grunts.

"He's needed for a new case that I just got regarding the AX400 android, it has been sighted," Connor explains.

"Let's go find him then," I say grabbing my jacket and giving Connor a helmet. 

I jump on my bike with Connor behind me, his arms around my waist as we speed through Detroit to find Hank. 

"Where do you think he'd be?" I ask Connor.

"Possibly a bar?" Connor replies unsure of his answer.

I nod and speed towards Jimmy's bar, where Connor and I found him last time. I enter the bar and scan the area quickly, not seeing Hank so I approach the bartender.

"Hey, has Hank been in here recently?" I ask politely.

The bartender shakes his head no, to which I tap the bar and sigh.

"Damn, thanks anyway," I say as I leave the bar and get back on my bike. 

"No luck?" Connor asks me.

"Nup, where was the android sighted?" I ask changing the subject quickly.

Connor gives me the address and I ride to the area to see if maybe Hank is already there. To no avail I don't see him on first look as I get off my bike, Connor doing the same. 

"Ah Lieutenant, Connor, I see you heard about the case," An officer says, approaching us. 

"Yeah, Connor informed me about it," I say still searching. 

A look of worry falls over my face when I figure out about the lack of Hank at the crime scene, the officer we are talking to notices this and tries to find what I'm looking at, or rather the lack of what I'm looking at. 

"You looking for something?" The officer asks.

"uh yes, Lieutenant Anderson, have you seen him?" Connor interrupts.

"No sorry, haven't heard from anyone else about him either," The officer replies.

I sigh softly and walk into the crime scene, Connor following quickly. 

I look around the crime scene and see a little bit of fading blue blood. 

I follow the blue blood as best as I can and it leads to the back door. I look behind me and see Connor right behind me as he nods for me to open the door, I slowly turn the cold metal door handle and pull the door towards us, peering around the door to only see nothing. 

"Deviant went out this way?" I question.

"Or came in," Connor adds on.

"Oh lookie here, the trio but they are missing someone," I hear a familiar gruff voice say from behind me.

"Yes Gavin, hello, what are you doing here?" I question sternly.

"We were told to come as backup for you shmucks," Gavin spits.

I groan and walk towards Gavin, nudging his shoulder with my own and walk past him and out the front door. 

I stand on the porch scanning the surrounding area in hopes of seeing a possible android. The android doesn't have her child... fuck...

"CONNOR WE NEED TO GET HOME RIGHT NOW!" I shout as I run to my bike.

Connor runs after me and jumps on the bike behind me, his arms wrapping around my torso quickly as we speed towards my house, leaving Gavin and the officers confused as to the urgency of the situation.

Curious and Infatuated // Connor [Detroit: Become Human] - OC!! Where stories live. Discover now