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It's late at night and I quietly sneak into the house, only to see Lilly sitting on the couch watching TV.


Lilly turns to face me and smiles, which relaxes me.

"Why are you awake? It's 3 in the morning," I say sitting next to Lilly.

"I couldn't sleep, I get this aching feeling something is going to happen Anna, like you're going to get called somewhere and leave Alice and I here... alone... for a while," Lilly worries.

I touch Lilly's knee and she looks me in the eyes, calming down slightly.

"I'd never do that Lil, you know that, and if I did I would do my best to bring you guys along," I say smiling.

Lilly nods and looks at my hand on her knee.

"Now I'm going to sleep, you should get some sleep as well," I say standing up and walking to my room.


8:00 am

buzz buzz

{ Hank Anderson }

I softly groan and turn over, answering my phone at the same time.

"Hello?" I ask my voice still gruff from just waking up.

"Lieutenant Jane good morning," a voice I'm very familiar with says.

"Connor?" I question.

I take the phone away from my face for a second to see who is calling me and realise Connor is calling me through Hank's phone.

"Yes it's me, I'm at the precinct now and Captain Fowler wants to speak with you urgently," Connor says.

I shoot out of bed and quickly get dressed, still on the phone with Connor.

"Right tell him I'll be there in about, 20 minutes?" I say as I rush to the bathroom.

"Okay I'll see you then Anna," Connor says.


Connor hangs up and I brush my hair quickly and throw it up into a ponytail, before sprinting out the door.

I jump in my car and speed to the station as fast as I legally can, worried about why Fowler wants to talk to me.

As soon as I park I sprint, well speed walk, to Captain Fowler's office and knock.

"Morning Captain," I say as I enter the office, giving the Captain a warm smile.

"Lieutenant Jane," Captain Fowler says not looking up from his computer screen. "We have received news about Deviant cases over in Australia and they have specifically asked for you to help them with their cases."

I stand there in silence, shocked even from what Fowler has just told me.

"Seriously?" Is all I can muster.

"Yes seriously, you have a plane ticket for tomorrow at 10:00 am to LA and then a connecting flight to Melbourne, where you will be situated for the entirety of Deviant Cases, unless the cases aren't solved in under 6 months then you will be sent back," Captain Fowler says.

"Okay, thank you Captain," I say nervously as I leave the office.

My heart is fully broken at this point and I walk up to Connor, my head staring at the ground, my body language showing I'm upset.

"Anna," Connor softly says as he engulfes me in a large hug.

"Connor, I'm being sent to Australia for a maximum of 6 months but if I can solve the deviancy cases before then I get sent back," I cry.

Curious and Infatuated // Connor [Detroit: Become Human] - OC!! Where stories live. Discover now