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Connor and I head back to the station so we can report on our findings and this mysterious location, Jericho. 

"Anna?" Connor asks me as we reach my desk.

"Yeah Connor?" 

"You have an accent," Connor says looking at me. 

"Do I? After all these years of living here I still have an accent?" I question.

"Yeah, it's a New Zealand accent mixed with Australian," Connor says.

"I'm surprised you picked that up, you must listen to me a lot then?" I joke.

"heh, not really I just noticed it and did some basic analysis on you," Connor says.

That still sounds slightly creepy but hey, he's an android I guess???

"Hm, okay, uhh, could you pass me that stapler please?" I ask pointing to the stapler on Hank's desk.

Connor nods and passes me the stapler as I print off some final stuff, it's just some details on our investigation and I can scribble down Jericho without needing to do much. 

I take the stapler from Connor's hand, our fingers brushing against each other, I look up at Connor and smile at him, he looks away immediately and I shrug it off. I quickly scribble things down and look at my quick notes, thinking about what Jericho could be.

"Connor, what did the 'Jericho' word look like?" I ask ready to do a rough sketch.

"It looked like it was on a boat of some sort, it was rusted with yellow and blue paint that looked like it was fading due to wear and tear from water or some liquid, it looked old," Connor says as he watches my hand methodically draw what he is describing. 

I look at my drawing and show Connor, "is this what it roughly looked like?" 

Connor nods, "exactly like that almost."

I smile, proud of myself and file the report so that I can look at it later. I stand up from my desk and walk into the break room to get some food that I haven't eaten in a while.

"Lookie here, miss goodie two-shoes," Gavin spits.

I ignore Gavin and his co-worker that is next to him. I feel Gavin walk up to me, his leg brushing against my ass.

"I know you want me," Gavin whispers into my ear.

"I really really don't, in fact I want the opposite, I want you to get the fuck away from me, know what that is?" I snap.

My eyes are still focused on the food in front of me as I try to chose something that is nice but also will give me the nutritional value I need.  

"No I really don't know what that is," Gavin jokes.

"I'll kick you in the balls," I  growl.

"I'm not scared," Gavin pushes.

I lift my knee and am about to swing my leg backwards when I feel Gavin move away suddenly.

"She said leave her alone, how many times do I have to tell you!" I hear Connor shout. 

I turn my head over my shoulder to see Gavin pressed against a wall, with Connor's hand around his collar. 

"Connor, really, it's fine," I say quickly. 

Connor looks to me with soft eyes and shakes his head, his grip getting tighter on Gavin's collar, "It really isn't Anna."

"Connor, let go of him," I say calmly.

Connor doesn't let go and gets in Gavin's face.


Connor brushes me off and his grip slowly gets even tighter, Gavin is struggling to breathe I can see it.

"CONNOR! ENOUGH!" I say pulling Connor off of Gavin. "I know you want to protect me but that doesn't mean choking this asshole to death!"

"You trying to protect me from this plastic prick?" Gavin says sweetly. 

My knee goes straight to Gavin's groin and he falls to the ground dramatically.

"No I really am not, I'm protecting Connor's job actually," I spit. 

I grab my food and leave, dragging Connor by the arm. 

"Why'd you do that Connor?" I ask not looking at Connor.

"I don't know," Connor says looking at his hands as if they aren't his own.

"You were trying to protect me," I say softly.

"I guess so," Connor replies.

"Why? I'm not worth protecting, I was handling it," I mutter.

"You are worth every bit of protection I can offer, I saw how uncomfortable you were and the way he was acting," Connor explains.

Is Connor going deviant for me? Why? I'm not worth it.

"You shouldn't risk deviancy to protect me Connor, just focus on the investigation," I say.

I finish my apple quickly, throw the core in the bin and get up to go leave.

"Where are you going?" Connor asks me as he stands up from his position where he was leaning on the desk. 


I grab my jacket, phone and car keys and head out to my car, Connor following me.

"Let me assist you home at least," Connor says.

I hear Connor spill out excuses to come home with me and make sure I'm okay.

"It's not safe..." Connor says as I reach my car door. 

"Connor, it's perfectly safe, I don't need your protection to drive home, so please, just leave me alone, I'll see you tomorrow," I say getting into my car and driving off as soon as I can.

I stop at the traffic lights, my phone buzzing due to Connor trying to contact me. I put my phone on Do Not Disturb quickly before throwing it down on the seat beside me when the light turns green. 

I hit my accelerator, and drive through the intersection, perfectly fine...


My car spins out of control and I end up the opposite direction and halfway on the sidewalk, my car totally busted, glass has shot into my head and arms, I see the other car speed away quickly before they get caught, I slowly start to fall unconscious, people passing by are helping me stay conscious but I pass out as I hear the sirens of the ambulance in the distance. 



Ah hello, welcome back, I hope you are enjoying this so far! I've noticed spelling errors in the first couple parts and I will go back over them in a couple days probably. :) I have many things planned that will happen in the coming parts so stay tuned :P 

- Arrow xoxo

Curious and Infatuated // Connor [Detroit: Become Human] - OC!! Where stories live. Discover now