Chapter 6.

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(Edited 04/05/2021)

"I mean, of course I'm excited. It's just a very big step. It's not too fast, is it?" Rose asked, staring at herself in the mirror to examine every piece of her outfit.

Rey was staring off into the distance, thinking about her recent vision. She still was not sure what to call it, and whatever it was, shook her to her core even as she sat here in Rose's room, only half listening to what her friend was saying.

She tried her best to return to the conversation, but found it difficult as her mind was so heavy at the moment. She told herself it needed to be done, no matter what she was going through at the moment, no matter the questions that flittered across her mind.

Afterall, she never had a friend like Rose... In fact, she never truly had anyone at her side as Rose had been, so accepting and genuine in all her nature, that is besides Finn.

Briefly, Rey thought of Leia, too. But her relationship with the General was something different. She looked to the Princess for guidance and support... Rey wondered, with a pinch at the heart, if that's what it felt like to have a parent.

It had been a while since Rey had given thought to her parents. Back on Jakku, she thought of them every single moment of every day. She had so much hope for their return, looking at the face of every person who stumbled their way onto the forgotten planet, wanting so desperately for one of them to be something she could recognize.

However, no one ever came for her. For years she was alone, taking care of herself, fighting and scavenging for herself... Back then, she was all she had, and all she could rely on.

'That's right...Because I'm just a scavenger.' Rey thought to herself.

Her mind furthered the thought, reminding her with a harsh take on reality that it was all for nothing, all the waiting and hoping. Her parents were there the entire time, buried in a pauper's grave, having been no one to the outside world, but everything to the young Rey.

"Rey?" Rose asked now at Rey's side, touching her shoulder. Rey jumped at the contact and looked to her friend, giving her a wide smile that Rose did not believe to be genuine.

The false smiled faded as Rey shook her head.

"I'm sorry. I have a bit on my mind, but that is not a discussion for today." Rey replied as she stood.

Embarrassed and ashamed to have been taking away from Rose's day, Rey decided to softly press Rose's mind, unbeknownst to her, for the question she had asked a moment ago while Rey was lost in thought.

"No, it's not too fast. You and Finn complement each other extremely well, I can feel the pull you have to one another. You're both the soul the other needs."

Glancing to the ground, Rey was glad to have spoken with honesty. There were times she had watched Finn and Rose together, their complicated souls aching for peace and finding it in one another. They were both fiercely devoted to the Rebellion, but Rey could feel the want they both shared to be over with the war and move on with their life.

This time, Rey offered a smile that Rose returned, feeling that this one was real, and immediately Rose's hesitations and worries washed away. She returned to the large mirror and Rey watched her, admiring the way Rose's dressed looked. It was a white dress, the white laced sleeves clinging to her small arms, the dresses trail coming down to below her knee. It wasn't a crazy dress, but it was very much Rose, Rey decided.

With a small clear of her throat, Rey smiled and chose to reveal more insight. "Actually, Rose... I was a bit lost in thought a moment ago. But, part of what I was thinking of was how grateful for your and Finn's friendship. You both mean..." Rey trailed off, struggling to find the words, however after a moment she chose to spill her honesty. "Well, I never knew friendship until I met you both, and now I can't imagine living any more of my life without it."

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