oo8. real life

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AS MUCH AS SHE DIDNT WANT TO DO THIS; her heart told her to do it anyways

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AS MUCH AS SHE DIDNT WANT TO DO THIS; her heart told her to do it anyways. After all, it was with the man that she was infatuated with for six straight years. The man she was married to after all.

She was hurting, and maybe seeing Zak wasn't the best decision for her Friday night. But for some reason; she missed him. Knowing the fact that the divorce was mainly his idea and choice, but she had hope for them.

But now she sits at the bar, alone. Besides some drunken strangers to keep her company. She looked around for him; and he was a no show. He had stood her up.

But, was she surprised? No. They were divorced. No longer together. He didn't love her and the problem was, she still loved him. And that's the thing that stung the most.

"Hey pretty, did your date stand you up?" The bartender asked Madison, as she sadly swirled her drink around.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure he did." She mumbled, looking into the glass with the Long Island Tea she preferred to get. "Was supposed to be here an hour ago."

"I'm sorry, can I get you another Long Island? Maybe a couple shots?"

She shook her head no as the bartender nodded and walked away so she could drown in her sorrows. She could be wasting her time, in one of her stupid onesies with Nate, Jack and Andrew while watching Marvel movies.

And she blames Nate for her very new obsession.

She continue to stir her drink as she hears a voice behind her from all the loud noise "Well, look who it is." She turned her head slightly at the man beside her. "It's my sidekick."

Madison couldn't believe it, but she was too sad to even react. She smiled sadly as she looked back at her drink. "Yeah, I'm not kicking butt right now. Hate to break it to you Cap."

There was a pause between the two of them for a couple seconds before he broke it. "Was it him?"

Him? She looked up at Chris and gave him a confused look. "What? I-"

"Zak. We're you supposed to meet him tonight?" He had asked once more.

She sighed loudly before taking a sip of her Long Island Iced Tea and nodded. "Yeah, I guess I was too dumb to realize I can get stood up by my ex husband."

"Well," Chris smiled, holding out his arm for her to hook on to. "Prepare to be stood up no longer."

She raised an eyebrow and chuckled at the taller man. "What are you doing?"

"Well, I'm supposed to be on a date with a girl." He told her, as they both glanced to the booth with a blonde girl, talking to an older gentleman; way past his senior. "And as you can tell, it's not going very well. So, I am inviting my new sidekick on a wild adventure with Captain America himself."

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