o19. real life

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"MADISON, I SWEAR TO GOD! YOU CAN'T KEEP IGNORING ME FOREVER!" She heard Zak pound on the door. After she realized that he had finally got into a relationship with the woman that broke the two apart, she didn't want to talk to him... nor see him for that matter.

"Madison, I'm not going to leave until you talk to me!" He yelled through the closed door.

"Great, then I'll call the police!" She yelled back through the closed door. She was frustrated, after Zak began texting her about how he was sorry about Nina and him, she didn't even want to be near him.

But her friend Chris would've been here right now, helping her grieve over what ever happened. But, he was stuck in LA traffic. Typical.

"Madison, please. Give me at least five minutes," He begged. Her heart wanted to not let him in, but her head was telling her yes. She swung open the door and he walked in with his hands in his pockets.

"Alright, you have five minutes. That's all I'm giving you." She whispered softly. This was the first time she'd seen Zak face to face since their divorce. Looking at him again, felt like the first time she ever laid her eyes on him. If she wished the two of them were like that forever, she would wish real and hard.

"I thought we were supposed to be friends? I-I don't understand why you're so upset about this." Zak explained, looking at Madison.

"Do you not realize that I have feelings?" She choked out, looking at him. She wished she would explained how she was feeling, but she felt too scared to lose him forever.

He frantically ran his fingers through his sandy blonde hair. "Yes, I understand that. But, shouldn't you be happy for me?"

She gulped quietly, as she looked down at her feet. "I wish I could, but I can't."

"Why can't you?"

She looked up at him, with her eyes filled with tears. She felt weak and hopeless. But she didn't care. She loved him, even if he didn't love her back. "Because Zak, I love you."

He let out a dry laugh which felt like someone had stabbed a knife in her heart. "You're really pulling that card?" He scowled at her.

"What? Do you think I'm joking about this?" She said, choking up. "God Zak. You think I wanted to divorce you? No. I didn't. I wanted someone in my fucking life to stay for once. And it hurts. Everything about us hurts."

Zak just looked at her with the blankest expression on his face while Madison professed her love to him. "And how you moved on so quickly, with the girl who you cheated on me with. It hurts."

"Well Madison, maybe you need to realize I fell out of love with you a long time ago." He shouted, which made her jump a little bit. Little did Madison know, Chris was outside her door, listening to this all come down. "Yeah, that's right. I fell out of love. Because you were so fucking clingy, and annoying. And I couldn't handle being around you anymore. Not that way."

She felt the tears ran down her face as she quickly wiped them away. "Yeah, and I wouldn't be surprised if you started dating that Chris guy, he would do the same thing I would do."

After that, Chris barged in and placed his keys on the counter. "Okay, that's enough pal. You need to leave." Chris mumbled angrily, making his way towards Zak.

Madison blocked Chris before he could do anything to the man that crushed her heart. "Madison, you think you had it so rough? The last six years with you were nothing but rough."

That's when she let out a sob, and Chris held onto her. "Goodbye Madison," Zak whispered as she walked out of her house, shutting the door.

Chris rocked her back and forth, trying to calm down the fragile girl. "Screw him, okay?" Chris whispered, as he rested his chin on the girl's head.

After a couple minutes, she looked up at him. "How long were you outside?" She choked out.

He sighed to himself, "Pretty much the whole time. I kinda heard everything."

She sighed as she went back to crying, and Chris held onto her.

Madison always thought she was going to have a happily ever after with Zak. She always thought he was the one. But turns out, he didn't feel the same.

And that feeling would always stick with her. For the rest of her life.

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