o47. real life

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FOUR MONTHS AGO, YOU WOULD NEVER EXPECT MADISON TO BE THE SAME. After she lost Zak, she thought that all the love she thought she had was gone. But, that's where one simple tweet to Chris Evans and wandering Los Angeles together changed.

She didn't want Chris to slip through her fingertips like Zak did. Even though, Zak stopped loving her long before the divorce. She just didn't want to feel heartbroken again.

She was always with Chris. Even if it was at his house, or at parties. She was always there. They weren't together. But, they practically were. She had a partner she could always count on.

The two of them went to a party, a couple days after Chris' birthday. Her and the rest of Chris' cast went out for a couple of drinks. She mainly hung out with Mackie, Seb and Lizzie while Chris was off mingling.

She did admit, for the past couple of weeks. Chris had been partying a little bit too much. Girls would talk to him and flirt with him, but she had to go and pull him away. Because then again, she was afraid that he was going to slip through her fingertips.

She sipped on her glass of alcohol as she zoned out during Lizzie's and Sebastian's conversation. She looked ahead as she saw Chris talking to Jenny.

Lately, she'd become a little bit more paranoid about Jenny. Sometimes, she'd message Madison from a different account asking about Chris but she didn't bother to answer. It just made her blood boil.

"Madz, you good?" Elizabeth asked, which made Madison bring her focus back to the conversation.

"What? — Hm? Oh," She mumbled, looking at Lizzie. "Yeah, I'm fine."

Which she wasn't at all. She felt like she was getting closer and closer loosing Chris. She didn't know what was wrong with her. Her attention went back to Chris, as he was laughing along with her. Jenny looked back at her, placing a hand on Chris' cheek.

"Madison, what's going on?" Sebastian asked again, before looking at what Madison was looking at. He didn't swat it away. He didn't even move. It made her sick to her stomach.

"I'm going to get some fresh air." She mumbled, before moving through the crowd of people, making her way outside.

She walked behind the back of club where the party was. "Don't cry, don't you dare cry." She mumbled to herself, as she felt her eyes welling up with tears. "Don't you dare. You're fine. You're good."

She wasn't fine. She wasn't just slipping away from Chris, but she was slipping away from herself. She was slipping away from what reality was. She got so lost in being in love with Chris, that she forgot to love herself.

She just sat there, on the ground. She did call Nate to come pick her up. But, she just looked blankly at the ground, as if she had just murdered a man. Only thing she felt was murdered was her hopes and dreams.

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